Chapter 33

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Third Person's POV

Luna sat down on the bench, facing the ocean. She let out a breath since she had just climbed up sets of cobble stone stairs to get to the cliff she was on right now. It was a secluded place and not a lot of people know about it, especially since it was in a graveyard.

It had already been a week. A week of her taking care of her parents and her dogs as well as the house. She had decided to deal with her grieving by cleaning the house and doing chores like cooking for her parents' meals. She cleaned every corner of her huge house that seemed empty and quiet despite the fact that her dogs were always running around and following her as she moved from room to room.

It took her two days to clean the entire house, a whole day to clean Violet's room. She stood in front of her door for twenty minutes. At first, she wanted to leave it as it was. But then she thought how Violet would want to do with it. So she decided to clean the mess for her and just organize her things. They weren't going to throw away any of her stuff except donating her clothes to an orphanage.

Luna found a black hoodie that Violet always wore during the weekends and decided to keep it. She had arranged her messy desk that was full of medical notes and papers. She put her clothes into boxes and organized them. Her laptop was going to be untouched, as well as her phone that was retrieved from the hospital.

The police had gave her statements and caught the guy that had shot the gun including two others that robbed the bank with him. The court was going to hold a trial three months from now and the guy was being held in prison at the moment. Luna didn't want to see the guy since she knew she was going to lash out, she knew she would curse the hell out of him. She decided against it and just wait for the results of the trial to see if her sister would get the justice she deserved. Even if it was an accident.

Her parents were doing okay, they were more silent than usual but that was just normal. Both of her parents were gonna take a month break before going back to work. Luna was going to take two months off, she was going to stay a month in the Philippines for the funeral and staying with her parents. Then she was going to go back to Korea and take another break for a month before going back to work. Her assistant in Korea was going to contact all the patients that she had in Seoul to let them know the situation.

Luna stared at the ocean in front of her, the wind was blowing softly against her face and it was making her relax for a bit. She could smell the salt water and hear the waves crashing against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. She had planned the funeral an hour ago, filling those papers were harder than she thought that it took her an hour to finish them and now she was just roaming around, that's how she found the place. It was now afternoon and she was waiting for the sun to set.

She didn't know what to do anymore, it might seem like to anyone else she was doing fine but she wasn't. She could only take thirty minutes nap instead of sleeping, she could only cry herself to sleep. She could still feel the heavy feeling and pain in her chest. But she was trying and she couldn't help but still wonder why it had to be her sister.

But then Jackson's words rang through her mind again, making her smile softly. She missed him, but she had to be patient and she knew she needed to be alone for a while. She appreciated him so much that it made her heart squeezed. Maybe it was from her liking him so much, or maybe it was love. She wasn't so sure yet.

"Somehow, you're always there for me. Even when you're not by my side." She said out loud, she couldn't keep her mouth shut when her thoughts were overflowing with something.

"Who are you talking about?"

Luna turned her head around and immediately stood up when she saw who the voice belonged to, it was her one and only favorite cousin, Elliot. He still had his light brown hair and eyes, if anyone saw the three of them together along with Violet, they would think they're all siblings despite the fact that Luna always dyed her hair.

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