Chapter 42

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Third Person's POV

Luna opened the door and let her new adopted cat run around her apartment, just so it can get used to the new surroundings. Luna stepped inside her apartment and placed the keys on top of the shoe cabinet, waiting for Jackson.

Jackson was behind her and closed the door with his foot, his hands full with a box containing the litter box and a scratcher. While Luna had a bag full of the cat's toys and food along with shampoo.

Jackson placed the box on top of the table in the living room and helped Luna prepare the things. Luna went to find the gray cat only to see her laying down on top of her book shelf in the corner of her living room.

"Looks like you found a place to stay for a while, you little cutie." Luna cooed and turned around to helped Jackson.

"Are you gonna name the cat or are you just going to keep calling it 'little cutie'?" Jackson chuckled as he placed the scratcher by the book shelf and watched as the gray cat jumped down to look at it.

"Well, of course I'm gonna name it. I just..." She trailed off as a name popped into her head, she turned around to look at the gray cat that was now laying on top of the scratcher and pawing at it.


"Sylvester." Jackson cut her off as he tried to stop his amused smile from showing.

"Okay, Sylvester." Luna rolled her eyes playfully, but she did like Sylvester better than Silverton. Honestly, she wasn't even serious about naming her Silverton.

"Alright then, your name is Sylvester from now on little cutie." Luna said as she crouched down in front of her cat and boop her nose with her finger. She heard it meow and immediately felt soft for the cat.

"Aw, oh my gosh. That's so cute, babe I have a cat now." Luna said as she picked Sylvester up and hugged her close to her chest while staring down at her.

Jackson blinked and crouched down to Luna's level, he placed his chin on his palm and smirked at her. Unknowingly, Luna had just called him babe and it made Jackson want to tease her for it.

"Did you just call me babe?" He teasingly asked and laughed when Luna froze and looked at him with wide eyes and faint blush on her cheeks.

"Shut up." Luna muttered and let Sylvester go before standing up. She wanted to laugh at her own embarrassment but she couldn't with Jackson laughing at her.

"Oh come on, it was cute! Call me that more." Jackson winked and grinned at her smugly. He stood up and opened his arms to wait for her, he knew she was weak when it came to hugs.

Luna whined and walked up to him, glaring at him then wrapping her arms around his torso. She hid her face in his chest and felt him laughing in victory while hugging her back.

"Sometimes I wonder why I chose to date you." She muttered and felt his hand on her head.

"Well, you love me so I guess there's your answer." He said, cheekily.



"I love you." Luna sheepishly said while giving him an innocent smile to which he replied with a fake scowl.


"Say it back, you dumbo."

"I don't want to."

"Then get out." Jackson bursted out laughing at her sudden request and she laughed along with him.

It was one of those moments where the both of them would joke around and end up laughing really hard. They treasure this kind of moments, knowing very well how cruel reality can be. Both had their own little world whenever alone in an apartment or somewhere they can be at peace.

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