Chapter 24

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Third Person's POV

Luna was pacing around the room, trying to keep herself calm. She always did this to help herself think, right now was the perfect time to really think.

Jackson was silently panicking at the couch, he wanted to contact his leader and manager but he froze because it was the first time he had such a scandal.

The article was about a dating rumour about Jackson Wang and a 'mysterious girl' who was spotted with him coming out of a hospital and into an apartment building in Seoul. Another one was their 'date' in Hong Kong at the night market.

Apparently, someone had spotted them back then. The pictures were Luna and Jackson laughing together, some were them holding hands due to them dragging each other around that time.

Then there was the post on Jackson's instagram, of course their fans weren't blind. The girl in the pictures had the same hair colour as Luna. Although Luna had already set her account to private, she was still getting follow requests, so she turned the notifications off and never opened it again.

'God, how can I be so stupid? I should've at least wore a mask or something. What's wrong with me? It's like I haven't learned my lesson.' Luna thought as she sighed heavily. She knew she had to deal with the fans and JYP Entertainment. Possibly their manager too.


Luna snapped her head towards the door and almost face palmed herself, she had forgotten that she still had guests. She looked at Jackson who was still staring at his phone and sighed.

She walked towards the door and opened it, the six other members stood there and Mark and Jaebeom were the most worried looking ones out of all of them.

"Luna, have you seen the-" Mark got cut off by Luna raising her hand to stop him from talking.

"I have, come in." She said softly, smiling weakly at the maknae line who gave her small smiles.

Mark went inside and immediately sat down beside Jackson who looked at him with an anxious look. Youngjae and Jaebeom sat down on the two seater couch while Jinyoung leaned against the kitchen island while looking at the living room.

Yugyeom and Bambam decided to sat at the two high stools behind the counter and kept quiet to let the older ones discuss what to do.

Luna closed the door and sat down beside Jackson who had not spoken a word ever since he saw the article.

"I contacted the manager on our way here, he said that he'll talk to JYP about this." Jaebeom broke the silence between all of them.

"How come it only came out now?" Jinyoung asked, curiously. If someone had already spotted them at Hong Kong, why didn't an issue about that came out earlier?

"I don't know." Luna whispered, she felt terrible for Jackson. She knew that posting a picture on instagram was already dangerous, but this time it was a dating rumour released by a famous site.

The tension in the air felt heavy that none of them wanted to talk or stay at all. They felt suffocated, especially Jackson.

"This is all my fault, I knew that this would somehow happen yet I wasn't careful at all." Jackson blurted before placing his head in his hands. He groaned and shut his eyes tightly. He felt so guilty that he had dragged Luna into this because of his stupidness.

"Jackson, this isn't your fault. None of it is your fault, you simply wanted to enjoy your time with someone. They just had to invade your privacy." Mark said, trying to comfort the younger one but he wasn't listening.

Mark looked at Luna with concern in his eyes, she was staring into space with a blank look. He wince a bit at her look, never had he seen Luna like that. She was usually always smiling or laughing whenever she was with them.

Jaebeom suddenly got a phone call and it was from their manager, he picked it up and Youngjae had a frown on his face. Everyone stayed quiet as Jaebeom had his conversation with the manager.

"Yes, we're with them right now."

Luna let out a sigh and leaned against the couch, she wondered how would the media deal with her this time.

"Okay, I'll tell them and be on our way. Thank you." He said, ending the call. Jaebeom looked at everyone and stood up.

"Manager-nim said that we should talk to JYP about this and they'll release a statement about your relationship with Luna. Don't worry, you'll just say you're friends with her." He explained, Jackson was looking at him with a deep frown on his face and he tried to listen clearly to what his leader was saying.

"So right now, we have to go meet up with JYP. But I think the rest of you should go back home, I'll update you guys though." He said apologetically, he knew that they would want to come and be there for their member and friend but it was for the best.

Luna hummed in response and nodded in understanding. She stood up and grabbed her jacket. She walked towards the door and opened it before looking back at all of them.

"Come on then, we don't want to keep him waiting." She said, giving them all a smile. They felt relief that she wasn't freaking out as much.

Bambam and Yugyeom quickly made their way towards her with smiles.

"Bye noona, good luck." Yugyeom said, hugging the older one. Bambam did the same but he squeezed her a bit which caused her to laugh.

Jinyoung and Youngjae made their way towards Luna, Jinyoung gave her a smile and with a small 'take care' he made his way out.

Youngjae on the other hand, gave her a wide grin and hugged her tightly. The little ball of sunshine caused her to smile bigger.

Mark gave her a worried look and when he was about to open his mouth, Luna hugged him. He blinked but hugged back, he felt that she was slightly trembling and it made him hug her tighter. They pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"Good luck." He said before leaving, Luna stared at space before looking at Jaebeom and Jackson who stood by her with worried and anxious looks on their faces.

Jackson felt kind of jealous deep down of Mark because he wanted to be the only one to hug her like that. But he disregarded those thoughts quickly.

"Let's go." Luna said and they went to the company while the others went home.

The three of them stood outside of JYP's office while their manager filled him with their situation. Both Jackson and Jaebeom were nervous as to what would happen while Luna tried to keep calm.

"I hope he isn't mad." Jackson mumbled as his frown deepened.

"Don't worry, he'll understand. Even if you are dating, you're dating ban contract ended years ago anyways." Jaebeom patted the younger one on the back. He wanted to comfort him as his leader but he was nervous as well.

Luna stayed quiet, she was thinking about opening her twitter to look at what the fans are saying but she wanted to avoid it as well.

Suddenly their manager came out with a slightly stressed and weary look before giving them small smiles and bow for Luna.

"Come in."

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