Chapter 17

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Third Person's POV

Jackson walked around the park, trying to find the pastel haired girl that he left around two hours ago. He looked around the park and spotted her. He noticed that she had company and grinned at that.

Jackson approached them with a smile and jumped in front of them when they were deep in their conversation.

"Yah! I'm here." Jackson grinned at Luna's smiling face when she saw him.

"Hey, how are your parents?" Luna asked him as Mark smiled at Jackson.

"They're doing okay, thank you for asking."

Jaebeom and Jinyoung stood up, making the three of them look at them with questioning eyes.

"I think we should head back to the hotel and wait for the others there, then we can eat dinner somewhere." Jaebeom told them, Jinyoung nodded his head, agreeing with what the older one had said.

"Okay then, I'll text Youngjae to drag Bambam and Yugyeom to the hotel." Mark said, taking his phone out. Luna was amused how he knew that Youngjae would have to drag the two maknaes from Disney Land. She also wondered how is it that they can go to Disney Land for just one day.

Luna put the canvas in another paper bag that she had bought just in case. It was the perfect size for the canvas, she decided that when they got to the hotel that she would give it to one of them.

Jackson noticed that she had two paper bags and offered to carry them for her. Despite Luna's protests, he took it from her hands and smiled at her telling her that she didn't need to worry.

"Luna, join us again for dinner?" Jaebeom asked her, he knew the others would love for her to join them again.

"Won't I be a bother?" Luna asked back, furrowing her eyebrows. She feared that she was getting in the way of their break and bonding time.

"No, of course not." Jinyoung said, quickly. Neither of them would ever think of Luna as a bother. They already love her company.

"Yeah, you'll be fine! The others love having you around. I love talking with you too. Come on, join us!" Jackson said, putting his arm around Luna. Making her look up at him and she smiled when she saw Jackson grinning at her.

"Alright, fine. I'll eat dinner with you guys." Luna gave in and smiled when she saw their faces light up. She didn't know why they really like spending time with her, but she was definitely happy.

"Let's go!" Jackson yelled out loud, excited that they were gonna have dinner.

They all left the park and walked back to the hotel, taking their time since they knew Youngjae would have a hard time stopping Bambam and Yugyeom from riding more rides in Disney Land.

*Two Hours Later*

Luna sat between Jackson and Mark again since the both of them always seem to be taking the seats beside her before anyone else could. Jaebum and Jinyoung sat across them, they were both deciding what to order.

They had chosen a hot pot restaurant and were waiting for the other three members who were on their way. They decided that waiting for them at the restaurant was easier.

"But he really dances well!" Luna exclaimed at both Jackson and Mark making JB and Jinyoung snap their heads at them in confusion.

"I dance better than him!" Jackson pouted at Luna which made her heart skipped a beat. His eyes looked cute when Luna looked into them.

"I think we all know that I'm a better dancer than you guys, I can do martial arts after all." Mark smirked at them smugly when they both turned to look at him.

"Don't flatter yourself, I can flip too." Jackson narrowed his eyes at his hyung making Mark roll his eyes.

JB and Jinyoung blinked at them before looking at each other. They went back to deciding what to order ignoring the other three arguing.

"But Yugyeom is the best dancer out of all of you!" Luna argued back, receiving a gasp from Jackson.

"How dare you!" Jackson said out loud, dramatically. He had both of his hands on his chest looking at Luna with a horrified look. Luna was amused at the fact that he was offended, though she thinks they all are great dancer, but Yugyeom never ceases to amaze her.

"It's true." A voice mentioned making the five of them look in the direction of the owner of the voice.

Yugyeom stood there with a smug look and Bambam with a huge grin on his face. They looked happy compared to Youngjae who looked kind of tired.

Youngjae sat down beside Jaebeom and put his head on his leader's shoulder with a heavy sigh. Jaebeom looked down at him, amused at how the younger one seemed tired.

"Never let me go out with them again, I swear they never ran out of energy." Youngjae mumbled, closing his eyes as Jaebeom chuckled at him.

Luna shipped the both of them silently, she thought it was cute of Youngjae to lean on Jaebeom like that. 2Jae was happening right in front of her.

"Noona! It's nice that you're joining us again!" Bambam said excitedly, sitting down next to Mark.

"Yeah, noona! I'm happy to see you again." Yugyeom told her, looking at her with a huge smile. He took the seat next to Jinyoung.

"I'm happy to see you guys too." Luna smiled softly at the both of them.

"Since we're all here, let's start ordering." Jinyoung spoke up, making them all nod their heads except for Youngjae who was half asleep on his leader's shoulder.

They ordered a spicy and a non spicy hot pot for those who didn't eat spicy food especially Jackson who was sweating like crazy making Luna laugh a bit when he kept wiping his forehead with tissues.

They had another great time, enjoying each other's company. They spent their time eating and chatting. After that, they knew they had to go back to their hotel knowing that their manager would get mad if they didn't come back on time.

*Three hours later*

"Bye Luna!" Mark waved at her as she stepped out of the elevator. She waved back at the seven boys who were all smiling and waving at her.

Jackson was waving at her with a sad smile but he tried not to show it too much. He would definitely miss the girl, seeing how he truly enjoyed their time together.

"Bye noona!" Bambam and Yugyeom gave her a smile and pout as she was leaving them.

"Bye, sleep well you guys!" Luna said as the doors were closing before walking towards her room.

She opened the door and locked it when she was inside, she lay down on her bed before letting out a loud sigh.

'Today was fun, but I'm so tired.' Luna thought as she closed her eyes. It's been a while since she had this much fun. It was kind of tiring for her to waste so much energy.

The boys were very energetic and eating with them was very eventful, it was either chaotic or loud but she enjoyed it. It was refreshing for her since she's always either working or spending her time alone in cafés or room.

'It'll be nice to see them again.' Luna thought as she drifted off to sleep.

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