Chapter 31

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Third Person's POV

Sometimes, a late night talk is what we need. The ones where you have someone who's just by your side and listens to whatever you're rambling about.

Jackson needed that kind of talk at the moment, just him and someone he trusted in the living room of their dorm at 2am in the morning.

When Jackson arrived, Mark was already waiting for him in the living room almost dozing off. But when he saw Jackson looking lost and heartbroken, he immediately woke himself up, growing even more concerned.

They sat for 5 minutes straight in silence, none of them wanted to speak up. While Mark wanted to give Jackson time, Jackson was thinking about what to say.

"...what happened?" Mark finally broke the ice, he was too worried and curious to stay quiet at the moment.

"Luna, she-" Jackson cut himself off, sighing deeply before putting his head in his hands. He was so worried and sad for her, he didn't know what to do.

"Oh god, did she break up with you?" His eyes went wide as if he couldn't believe that Luna would break up with him. I mean, nobody would've thought of it.

"What? No! She didn't, we're still together." Jackson chuckled at Mark's reaction. He understood how he would jump to conclusions like that, he has been acting like he just got dumped.

"Okay, okay. That's good." Mark let out a sigh of relief but then furrowed his eyebrows.

"So what happened?"

Jackson told him everything, from when he woke up to find Luna speaking on the phone to when he watched Luna disappeared into the airport. Mark only listened, but the sympathy look in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by him.

When he finished, he had a miserable look on his face. Mark stayed quiet as he tried to process what he had just said. Luna was very close with him, almost like a sister. He felt upset after hearing what happened.

"She's gonna be okay, Jackson. Give her time." He said, softly. Mark gave Jackson a small smile, he wanted to stay positive for him.

"Yeah, I know. I don't wanna keep her from dealing with her family and the funeral. That's why I'm gonna wait for her to call me or something, you know, when she's ready."

They both stayed quiet after, none of them wanted to speak again. Both just wanted to enjoy the silence, frankly because they both needed it.

Waiting for a taxi, Luna stared at the night sky. Her mind was blank after crying for hours on the plane, her seat mate only handed her tissues continuously as she sniffed and sobbed. She thanked the guy who's been giving her concerned looks when they both got off the plane.

She wondered how her parents were doing, were they as horrible as she was? Her mother was crying for sure, Violet was always there for her after all. While Luna was busy but also loved by her parents very much, she was just always doing something unlike Violet who always spent time with them after coming home from school.

She envied her at some point, she was homesick at times and called her mom whenever she wanted to hear her voice. But then Luna also accepted the fact that she was just busy with work and always called Violet to update her about her parents, hence why they were so close but that's also because she loved her sister more than anything besides her parents.

Luna felt that heavy and painful feeling in her chest, she wanted to ignore the feeling so bad because it hurt her to even breath. She closed her eyes for a bit when she felt the tears building up, she didn't want to have another breakdown. She was too tired to deal with it.

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