Chapter 9

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Third Person's POV

"So Luna, besides from the fan meeting, what brings you to Hong Kong?" Jinyoung started, he wanted to get to know more about the beautiful and mysterious girl.

"Ah, well I had a meeting with an acquaintance from work here in Hong Kong. I just decided to extend my stay to meet you guys again." Luna replied, taking a sip from her milkshake.

"Ohh, what do you do noona?" Youngjae asked, curiously.

"Oh, you didn't tell them?" Luna turned to Mark, surprised. She had thought that he told them about their encounter with each other back in Taiwan.

"No, not yet. I completely forgot, sorry about that." Mark chuckled a bit, rubbing his neck while looking at the other three boys who looked at him in disbelief.

"Wha- why does Mark-hyung get to talk with you more?" Jaebeom shaked his head in disappointment. He playfully pouted at Mark, who rolled his eyes at his leader's overly dramatic act.

"I forgot, I was meant to tell you guys but I only told Jackson.." Mark trailed off as he saw the even more disbelief faces of the three younger boys beside him.

"Jackson got to know before me? I'm disappointed in you, Mark-hyung." Jinyoung shook his head, playfully. Luna giggled at their reactions, which made Mark smile.

"We actually met back in Taiwan a week before Christmas at the airport. Then we met again the day before Christmas at a cafe." Luna explained, wrapping her fingers around her glass of milkshake.

"Ohh, so that's how you got her contact. So what do you do?" Jaebeom asked the same question Youngjae had asked earlier.

"I'm a psychologist." Luna smiled.

"Oh, but how old are you?" Jaebeom asked, she didn't look that old. He knew that studying psychology would take years and yet the girl in front of him was younger than him.

"I'm twenty three years old, but I graduated when I was twenty and got my license as a psychologist in four countries when I was twenty two." Luna shyly replied, she didn't like bragging but she loved talking about her career. It's just that she had encountered a lot of people that thought she was boasting about her success in life.

"Waahh~ that's so awesome! That means you're very smart, noona!" Youngjae exclaimed, he was sure now that this girl in front of her was definitely different.

"Wow, not only are you beautiful, you're smart too. That's amazing." Jinyoung said, smiling.

Luna felt relief and surprise at the boys' reactions. She had thought that they would judge her like others. But it seemed like she was wrong, I guess her experiences when talking about her work mostly ended up with her being a 'show off'.

"So you travel a lot?" Mark asked.

Luna hummed in reply, nodding her head. "Yeah, but my family lives in Philippines. Although we are Taiwanese."

"Woah, how many languages do you know then, noona?" Youngjae asked, with sparkling eyes. He really admired her now, I mean who wouldn't?

"I'd say I'm fluent in seven."

Shocked filled the faces of the four boys, even Mark who had heard her talk in four languages, was shocked to know that she spoke another three.

"Woah, did you just say you're fluent in seven languages?!" A new voice was heard, Bambam stood there with shock filled eyes.

"Uhm, yeah." Luna shyly replied at the younger boy's question. They hadn't notice that the three boys were already standing there with their ice cream.

"Seriously, noona?" Yugyeom asked excitedly, he was holding four cups of ice cream and handed them to his hyungs who took them from his hands.

"Yes." Luna started blushing, her pale cheeks were tinted light pink. She felt overwhelmed with all their reactions, she just wasn't used to it.

Jackson then sat down beside her, he grinned at her cute face. He was happy that the seat beside her was empty, after all he wanted to be close to her. Yugyeom slid in after him then Bambam sat down beside him.

"What languages do you speak?" Jackson asked her, while scooping up his cheesecake flavoured ice cream.

"Uhm, Mandarin, TáiYü which is the dialect used in Taiwan, English, Korean, Tagalog the dialect used in Philippines, Cantonese, and Japanese." Luna replied, counting them off with her fingers.

"That's so cool!" Jackson exclaimed, looking at her with his cute smile.

The others agreed, they really admired this girl. She wasn't like any others they've seen, they wanted to become her friends and hang out with her.

They continued to get to know each other more and joked around. They had a great time and enjoyed each other's company. By the time the sun had set, they made their way out of the parlour.

"So, where are you heading to now?" Jackson asked the girl who was beside her. He didn't want it to end now. He already loved spending time with her.

"Oh, well before going back to the hotel I was planning on visiting the night market first. You know, street foods as dinner." Luna said, her mouth watering at the thought of those delicious and different kind of foods.

"Really? I can take you there! I know the best street foods that sells there! This is my home after all." Jackson exclaimed, he was excited. He hoped that Luna would take up his offer so that they can spend more time together.

"Oh, are you sure about that? Aren't you tired?" Luna asked, worried that he might be pushing himself. She knew that they were tired after a long day, she didn't want to waste his time.

"It's fine! I still have lots of energy left." Jackson grinned.

Luna smiled, he was just so cute for her. At this point, it was like they were friends. Luna had always hated treating them as idols, she wanted to treat them as human since she knew how hard it was for them. Of course, she had no problem with fans since she was also a fan herself. She just liked to act normal around them.

"So, can I come with you?" Jackson asked, hope filled his eyes.

"Let me think about that... of course silly!" Luna grinned at him.

"Yay! It's a date!" Jackson said, smiling goofily.

Luna blushed slightly but shook her head slightly, she smiled back at the hyper being in front of her. She then turned to the rest of the boys who were standing a few feet in front of them.

"What about you guys?" Luna asked, tilting her head a bit.

"Ah well, we're kind of tired so we'll head back to the hotel. You guys have fun. Just make sure to come back before midnight Jackson." Jaebeom said, while the others agreed at what their leader said. Jackson nodded at his given curfew, smiling excitedly.

"Aw okay, it was nice talking with you guys. Have a safe trip back and rest well." Luna replied, waving at them as they head back to the venue's parking lot where their van was waiting.

They didn't worry about Jackson too much since he had no problem returning by himself. If he did, he would just call his manager to pick him up. But before leaving, Mark turned and winked at Luna while smiling mischievously. He secretly pointed at Jackson who was too busy waving at the boys to notice Mark.

Luna blushed again and waved her hands dismissively at Mark who chuckled and jogged to catch up with the others.

"Shall we go?" Jackson said, causing Luna to look at him.

"We shall." Luna smiled.

It was a date.


Oh my, first date already uwu


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