Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

"I'll pick you up later, okay?" Jackson said, handing Luna the canvas and paper bag full of paint and brushes. They were by the park's entrance and Jackson was about to leave.

"Okay! Don't worry about me and have fun with your parents." Luna chuckled, amused at how Jackson was acting like her father or something.

"Okay, okay. See you later, Luna." Jackson waved at her before walking off. Luna waved at his back and watched as Jackson turned a corner, she turned around and started walking.

She wanted to explore the park first before settling on a place where she could paint. The park wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. There was a lake in the middle of it, Luna could see children running around in the distance. She could see people either walking or jogging, some with their dogs.

Luna spent twenty minutes walking around before sitting down on a bench, facing the lake. She put her purse and the paper bag aside.

She let out a sigh and closed her eyes, relaxing into the bench. She could feel the cold breeze against her legs and the slight heat coming from the sun above her. Luna opened her eyes once again to take in the scenery in front of her.

The water form the lake glistened as the sunlight shone down before it, she could see leaves from the trees slightly moving from the wind softly blowing against it. It was quiet yet she could still hear faint footsteps from the people that walk pass her.

Luna stared at the blank canvas resting on her lap, she had no idea what she would be painting this time. But she was certain she was in a mood for painting.

She stared at the canvas for a few minutes before opening the paper bag beside her, getting the paint and brushes out.

She started outlining on the canvas and her mind was blank, focusing on what she was trying to paint. When she stopped to see the outline, she smiled a bit.

She continued on with it and after an hour and a half, she was almost done. She looked at it, she wasn't sure why she chose to paint this but nonetheless she liked it.

She let out a sigh as she leaned back into the bench, she closed her eyes. She wanted to take a little break from painting. She then started to let her mind wander.

She wondered why she was tired all the time, maybe it was because of work. But she thought about how she had worse experiences of not sleeping at all and working her butt off before and she was fine. Maybe it was a sign of her getting old. Maybe she was sick, but she was healthy according to the doctors.

"Maybe I just don't have enough red blood cells." She whispered before letting out another sigh.

"Why? Are you anaemic?" A voice called out, Luna stayed still for a few seconds before opening her eyes slowly and looking at who the voice belonged to.

"Yeah, I am. Since I was young." Luna replied, she smiled gently at him. There stood Mark, holding two paper bags in one hand and the other in his jacket's pocket. He had a cap on but he wasn't wearing his mask.

"What are you doing here, Mark?" She asked as Mark sat down beside her, placing the paper bags down while throwing her a smile of his own.

"We passed by after shopping around a bit, so we decided to take a walk around here." Mark replied, looking at Luna with his dark eyes.

Luna hummed in reply before looking in front of her, she could see Jaebeom and Jinyoung in a distance buting ice cream. They were talking and laughing with each other, Luna could feel their happiness from where she was sitting.

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