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Yena Pov

"Chaewon?!" I accidentally raised my voice as soon as I caught Chaewon walking like she didn't left Korea. Wait is she for real? Or am I just seeing things? But it looks too real to be fake though. Rubbing my eyes expecting her to disappear in the thin air by the time I open my eyes again. "Oh my God." but she didn't

"Stop overreacting." she reprimanded and didn't even budge to greet, a hello or a hi or something else that would lift up the mood. Well what do I expect from her.

"I passed basic calculus." I boasted and smirked, if she thinks I wont graduate high school just because she didn't continue tutoring me, ditched me in the middle of the battle between 70 and 75 then she's wrong. "Thanks to Minjoo I managed to do it." I followed up and heaved, the frog is really a life saver. 

If not only with her then I'm probably taking summer class now, cramming my school works as I watch her and Yuri enjoy their vacation. "Anyways, who is she?" pointing to the tall girl standing beside her.


"Ahn Yujin, Chaewon's girlfriend."

"What?" did I heard that right? The word girlfriend kept on ringing inside my ear, repeated like it's on loop. "Pardon?" I need to clarification, it was unrealistic like how I'm seeing Chaewon standing in front of me now. Why does everything looks unreal today.

The new face girl was about to say a word but then Chaewon disappeared between us, leaving the both of in awkward tension. "Chaewon's-- yah! Chaewon dont leave me!"

And so I got left all alone, still processing every words and happenings for this morning, it doesn' make sense. 

Chaewon? a girlfriend? I thought she's straight."

And i thought she's only for Minjoo.


Minjoo Pov

"Eyyy." Yena arrived along with her noisy presence ready to annoy her girlfriend once again. Taking the vacant seat beside the hamster she turned to me and smiled brightly. "Minjoo you're getting prettier everyday, not gonna lie." she greeted and laid her arm around her girlfriend's shoulder, here we go again with another episode of making me feel single.

"I dont have money to pay you." I scoffed and giggled. It's really nice being with them again since we rarely meet because of school flooding us with tons of paper works making us employees already not students. (a/n: i had to say it.)

The duck furrowed her eyebrow, ready to give in a violent reaction. "This is not bribery!" she defensed and rested her back. Giving her attention to the girl sitting beside her she cheekily smiled. "How's my little hamster doing?"

"Go away flirt." Yuri gently slapped the older's arm away, freeing herself from the duck.

Just like the same old times, I got used to it so this is already a normal scenery for me. "Did you just--" Yena pouted and jumped the topic on me since her flirty self got rejected by the hamster. "I came across Chaewon, since when did she arrived?"

"Just last two days ago." I answered, after then sipping to my coffee, oh wait this tastes too sweet this isn't mine what the hell.

Busy calling for any waiter's attention to make me another one, I'm not in fond of sweet things I might die of diabetes in no time better be safe than be sorry. A loud slam was heard causing for me to jolt. "Why didn't you told me?!" 

"Am I obligated to?" I can clearly hear Yuri's laugh from the background, for sure they'll bicker again later. 

Disappointment was visible on the duck's sigh, I guess I overdid it, but I really don't want to talk about Chaewon right now. I'm still not over on what happened the last time. "Speaking of that, I never knew she had a girlfriend."

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