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As I walk out way to the place I've been longing for years, to the house I left and to the person I made feel alone and lonely for an extreme long period of time. I don't know where to get the courage to knock on the door.

I've been spacing out for minutes infront of the house I've missed for everyday. Taking a deep sigh I feel so troubled, I don't know what expression should I use.

I don't know how to explain myself, I don't know. I feel dumb.

"It's fine, you can do it." I felt a hand holding mine, assuring me and comforting me. "Go on." she smiled brightly as she lightly squeeze my hand.

This precious person beside me, the person who helped my in my everything, the person whom I owe my life with.

Ahn Yujin.

The person who runs the coffee shop I worked on when I was still in highschool.

My memories are corrupted by exam and school topics I cant clearly remember when we start to hang out. But one thing is for sure, she helped me in everything.

Recommended me different part time works I can do, jobs I can apply to, a reason for me to be able to save up money and to reach my dream. To study abroad and now I'm graduating college, can't believe I reached this far.

By the help of her.

"Should I do it for you?" a question that broke my own silence, just how minutes have I been spacing out already? There is too much to think.

Too much.

I turned my gaze to her and smiled weakly while slightly shaking my head as my answer. Taking a deep breathe I let out a big sigh as I convice myself not to think of other things first.

I changed already.

I just hope.

Withdrawing my hand from her grip I tucked strands of hair to the back of my ear before knocking to the door infront of me. I'm about to see the person behind this thing, the person who's going to open the door.

Calming myself down as I wait for a response from the other side it took longer that we expected. Yujin excused herself for a while to accept the call in her phone from her dad.

"Chaewon I'll be back."

Watching her leave my sight I decided to leave another knock, much louder that the first one I did. With the silence around me I can barely hear footsteps going down the stair causing me to take a big gulp.

This is it I said to myself.

The sound were getting nearer and nearer, it stopped for a moment,  for I think she have arrived.

Hearing the creaking sound of the door, it slowly opened giving me a light seep of the light inside the house. A quick gaze of the furnitures, appliances placed inside. Everything is new to my eyes, it all changed.

Taking my time being amused by the changes I completely forgot about the person standing infront of me, just about my shoulder height.

"Yes?" a familiar voice went out as the lady infront of me give me a confused look. "Are you lost?" she followed a question and was worried if I really got lost or if I'm new to the place.

"Mom." a plain word came out of my mouth trying to contain all the things I want to say, I dont to creep her out. She doesnt even seems like to familiariaze me.

A small chuckle from her was the first thijg I got. "Aren't you mistaken?" even my voice she doesnt remember it. Just how long did I got separated from her that she cant spot me as her daughter.

"This is.." taking a deep sigh I bent down a little to match her height, making our eyes in contact I smiled brightly. "Kim Chaewon."

It was just few seconds before she came to realization, she gasped in much surprise to see me standing infront of her. "You came home." a hug came after, a tight long hug. I can barely tell how much she missed me. And I wont deny how much I also missed her. "You're back."

Her smiles was really visibly, the happiness written to her eyes, the touch she longed for. "Mhm." I hummed.

Somehow our moment was broken when Yujin loudly cleared her throat and came after us. "Am I ruining something?" she asked. Sometimes she's not stupid, most of the time she's dumb.

"Oh dear you startled me." my mom broke the hug and fixed herself infront of the unexpected visitor she had. Oh right, I didnt tell her about me having someone to accompany me on my way here.

The puppy was embarrassed to see how mom acted towards her. "Heh I didn't mean to." scratching her nape a habbit of hers whenever she feels nervous.

"Come in." making our way inside the newly renovated house of my mom I was amused by the changes. Its not  like the old black and white colored house anymore. And also the old geezer moved away already.

That's the best decision he did.

"You didn't even told me you're going home already." mom broke the silence around us and laid two cups of coffee infront of us as we comfortable sit on the couch.

"Ah by the way, this is Yujin, my.."


A quick introduction I made as I show a weak smile. Minjoo is the first one I told to mom. I'm feeling uneasy of introducing a new one.

"Are you the one who took care of my daughter?" she immediately went beside the puppy and held her hand. "I don't know how to thank you." tears are threatening to fall any moment by now.

Yujin started to panic she dont know how to react if ever those tears fall. "It's okay okay, she's not that hard to take afterall." shaking her head vigorously like a puppy she smiled. "She's just a little.." this puppy is going to drag me down the ditch.


"Cold right?" mom continued and chuckled shortly. I'm not cold its not my fault people around me dont understand what I do. Theyre dumb.

Having fun in their talk I felt out of place on my own home. Weird.

"I'll just get water." I excused myself and stood up from my seat. I feel like my past will be exposed. I thought to myself and went straightly to the kitchen.

"Chaew--" I didnt had the chance to hear what theyre trying to tell me since I rushed my way out. I'm not ready to be embarrassed infront of Yujin. That's disgusting.

Silently making my way I heard some noisy coming from the sink, like plates being washed and is being placed to the cabinet. I don't remember having ghosts in our house. Or maybe its the old man's.

"Excuse me..?" being amazed when my eyes caught an image of a girl turning its back from me, wearing a plain red shirt with white lace around her neck, an apron I think and denim pants wearing a house slipper on below.

She's washing the dishes. Since when did mom hired a maid? I scanned her from head to toe.

But it seems like I wasnt heard or maybe she's too occupied by the job she's doing. "May you lend me a drinking glass?" taking out a chair and placing my elbow to the counter I rested my chin to my palm.

So many things changed since I came back. I should get used to it already even I wont stay long here.

Paying not that much attention I heard sounds of glasses clashing, this maid is kinda clumsy I thought to myself.

"Here--" I stopped thinking for a second after hearing the girl's voice.


Finally putting my attention to the person standing infront of me we faced each other at the same time.


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