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Chaewon Pov

After we made a stop at that haunted house we decided to go home already, since tomorrow we'll be flying back again. That's automatic already, I won't think twice of staying here since my goal is finish my studies.

Though I don't know what to do next after it, should I return after or found a job there-- I have no idea. 

"I'm exhausted." Yujin said and flopped herself to the bed, the first time I saw her ran out of fatigue-- that must be really tiring. Well actually we waited for her for like 10 minutes, patiently waiting for her to make her way outside. She went in by herself because she's too proud of herself. "But it's worth it."

She was panting heavily when she made her exit, even telling us that she legit saw a shadow inside but we decided to shrug it off. It's not like we'll believe it, her mind were probably clouded and she got to see other things.

"Whatever are you all set for tomorrow?" I stopped her before she continues to re tell every single detail that happened on that day. That would be a lot of time already and the fact that I'm sleepy but how do I sleep in a noisy surrounding.

She sat up and pouted. "Why are you so excited?" 

Shaking my head to deny her statement, it's not like I'm dying to leave I just want to.. Why am I looking forward of leaving afterall? "I just want to go back and graduate already." I reasoned and threw a pillow at her. "Get out I'm going to sleep."


Yujin Pov

"Get your lazy ass done I'm annoyed." early morning and I can Chaewon's tiny voice echoing inside the room. Is it time already? 

Getting up I scratched my head, feeling my muscles ache in pain I winced-- ah shit it hurts what did I do yesterday? Ran away from monsters, threw any items I see, screamed on top of my lungs, talked to Anabelle. Woah that's a lot of work I need more rest.

If you're wondering what kind of talk I had with that doll, it was weird and cool at the same time. I asked for a tip on how to confess yes I deadass did that, at least I got a friend. Her voice is cute and sweet I wanted to meet her again. 

She dropped her code name -- bunny-- if I remember. I wonder how can she be that tall when anabelle is just a small creepy doll. In all of it, I only can say, it's worth it.  "Did you said farewell to your friends already?"

I tried to hit a conversation to lengthen the time. I won't actually mind if we were to get delayed in our flight that's more fun.

"Not yet."

"Then call them!"

"Let's go."

It's not like I can argue with her, maybe she already told them when they were inside the house? I don't know I should've tagged along with them. I'll just leave that unanswered before I got massacred by her.

Going downstairs carrying our bags and other personal stuffs I walked directly to her mom, hugging her tightly I felt very happy. "We're gonna get going already, I'll see you next time!" 

This is pretty sad, was this how Chaewon felt when she left also? No I think it's beyond that.

"Take care my dear, and Chaewon, hope you enjoyed your stay. I"m not there to remind you of what you should do everyday, take care always okay?"

A hum was only heard, this isn't how it suppose to work right? she's suppose to be telling her mom something touchy right? Is she really this--

"I will." she plainly answered and smiled warmly, I melted, my knees are wobbling I'm in tears.

After the goodbyes we remained silent inside the car, and of course she took the passenger seat as always.

"Chaewon are you okay?" I concernedly asked, she looks like something is bothering her. I can tell she's uncomfortable of something I don't have any idea what. "You don't look fine."

"Don't mind me."

"Tell me."

"I said nevermind me."

I had to shut my mouth after that, we completely forgot the driver's existence it'll be awkward to cause a fight inside. I guess we'll continue this after we got out of this.

Dragging luggage with an assistant around us helping carry our items . "How can I?" yes I'm not letting that situation simply slip I won't leave it unanswered this time. "When the girl I only look up to is being like this?"

"Yujin.." she deflated, her expressions was something new to my eyes it was different from the usual. She looked in so much pain, like she's going in a rough day. "I'm coming with you, but I don't have plans of accepting your feelings. I want to pursue my dream, let's just stay like this." 

Another rejection, I should just really stop. I've always thought I had the chance already, I thought. On that night, when she asked me if I'm not yet tired of her, did she asked me that because she pity me? or she don't want me to wait for nothing? "Maybe you already have someone else."

"I do have. So let's go now before I have hard time leaving her again for the second time."

Ah, I was right the whole time. It's her.

It's Minjoo.

It was an emotional moment but it all shattered when we both heard someone yell, screaming intensely-- I'm losing my eardrums.


"Take care of yourself okay?"

"We'll just be right here."

"Come home anytime you want!"

"We'll wait!"

"Make sure you'll stay for a year next time okay?!"

"We love you!"

It was Yena along with her girlfriend, they were just staying outside raising a white paper large enough to be able to read the written text.

You're gay

I couldn't help myself but to laugh, they really had the audacity to display such thing infront of many people. And to call Chaewon a gay-- I can never. By just watching them from a distance I can barely feel Yuri's embarrassment up until here. 

Glancing at Chaewon I winked at her. "They really came here, you're lucky to have them. I wish I had friends like them too." admiring how cute their friendship is, okay this is making me sob. 

"Don't worry." she mumbled and lightly patted my head. "They treat you as part of our group since the day you met them." once again I saw her stunning smile good lord thank you for blessing me. I might've been turned down but at least I won life.

"You're making me emotional." I sniffed and jumped at her, enclosing within my arms I squeezed her. This is only a once in a lifetime opportunity I gotta make full use of it.

"Get off me." trying her best to push me away I giggled.

Letting out a sigh I kept on watching the couple from a far. They're still there, they'll probably wait for us to leave. "But I dont see Minjoo with them, did she forgot or overslept or something?" that's weird, knowing that frog is an early person so where on earth is she?

"Mind your own business, let's go already."

"Fine Ms. graduating."

That's odd.

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