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Yuri Pov

"What's taking them so long?" I heard Yena rant, watching for the time tick every second she can't even lengthen her patience. But it literally took her three months to get my sweet yes, I really can't get her.

Sitting on the bench I called out for her to join me as well. "We're too early, I really hate you."

30 minutes earlier than the actual time meet up because she went barging inside my room in the middle of night saying she can't sleep that she's too excited to the point she can't even keep her eyes closed for a minute.

"It's better to be early than to be late." she reasoned and shrugged off that added up to my annoyance to her. Can't she even read moods like I can murder any time by now and she's still chilling.

For god's luck someone arrived, I'm finally going to be with some human. "Minjoo!" Yena yelled and ran after, jumping to the frog's shoulder. "Why do you have to be so pretty." this duck is really a flirt I could tell it, by the years I've spent with her.

"Did Chaewon arrived already?" Minjoo asked as soon as she got to the meeting place. That's the first thing she asked, not even a greeting? or what?

"Not yet." I simply answered and heaved, a lot of things has been happening since the day she came back. And I'm still not used to it, feeling her presence around me, I don't know. "Ah, there they are." pointing at the two person walking in our way, one that is gigantic, and one that is as small as a pet.

"Lets go let's not waste time."

Yujin Pov

We rented a van that well be using for our one week trip and also hired a driver since none of us knows how to drive a car, plus the thing that we don't have license so yeah still no use.

Minjoo took the passenger seat and I don't know how she managed to take it away from Chaewon when I literally can't even win an argument with her-- what kind of special power does this frog has that she got to steal the seat Chaewon won't give to anyone.

The four of us at the back, me sitting near the window on the left, with Chaewon beside me and was followed by the power couple that does nothing but to flirt nonstop, well what did we even expect from them.

We were so noisy I'm amazed the driver hasn't quit yet, such ears that could stand on battle field like noises. Shouting at each other like we're in a mountain distance, passing and throwing chips at each other. This group is really fun, I'm happy to be part of it all thanks to Chaewon.

"Something's bugging you?" I asked, seeing her having perplexed look again. Why can't even rest herself just for a day, I feel like she's always down to earth.

"Mm? she spared an eye and stopped playing with her fingers. I could clearly say she's bored, plus she don't engage in conversation that much-- that made everything boring for her. "No, I'm just sleepy."

I nodded my head and lowered myself a little, so she could match up with my height I tapped my shoulder. "I see , lean on me."

"No it's fine, I can manage."

"If you say so."

It took us hours to arrive to our destination, but it didn't felt that long we were really on crack times to the point we didn't had full grasp with the time running. "We're here." the driver set off his foot and carried other luggage.

Gleaming smile, hyper aura, an overe excited atmosphere, those are the first characteristics I notice to Yena as soon as she got down from the car. The containing excitement inside her ready to be released later. I myself also can't wait as well. "We rented a pool." she said and took the bags inside. "Help me carry these."

I smiled widely and did as she told us, does she really leads the group when it comes to this? I've always thought Chaewon or her girlfriend is the leader of their mini squad. "Chaewon?" I nudged her, hoping she'll wake up.

At trips like this, she really does nothing but to sleep and sleep. Just how many 8 hours of sleep did she missed?

"They're sleeping." Yuri caught my attention and signaled me to go on first. "Let them be we'll just wake them up later."

Since I'm also dying to play and swim around with Yena and spread some crackness I nodded and took my leave. "Okay." I wonder if it's fine to leave them two alone.

Minjoo Pov

I woke up feeling the hotness surrounding. The sun striking directly at me, the aircon was turned off for some reason. Did we arrive already? Looking around I guess it's a yes. Colorful flags that are dancing along the wind-- I think this is the place they were talking about.

Yawning, I checked the back seat thinking they've might forgot to bring something or they needed a hand to help. Fortunately unfortunately it wasn't the bag I was expecting to be.

"Chaewon?" I called out for her, she looks like an angel when sleeeping. The same old expression everytime she sleeps. "Chaewon.." I repeated once again before going down the car, opening the door to the back seat.

"Hey." sitting beside her as I lightly tap her shoulder trying my best to wake her up. This is awkward for me, after what I did to her last night the rejection I made. I feel bad and now I'm left with her. Just what's wrong with these coincidences happening to us.

I heard her groan but didn't budge to open an eye, instead she rested on my shoulder, looking comfortable on her place. "We're here." I whispered, patting her head she really won't get up.

"Five more minutes." she mumbled, eyes still closed.

This is actually uncomfortable , just the two of us in a silent place. Bring back a lot of memories together that were supposed to be forgotten already. "We'll be left behind." but of course it's no work, she still remained asleep. "Seriously."

"Why are you taking me so lightly, like you didn't do something, you made me look stupid."

Words accidentally slipped out from me, I didn't expect my mouth to actually say it. I should've been careful enough, having the knowledge that I'm always being carried away whenever I'm with her. Now how do I explain myself to this mess I just got into.

The goal was to wake her up, not to guilt her up, make her feel bad or say something ridiculous that's honestly not even necessary.


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