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''Wait me here."

In a blink of an eye Chaewon disappeared right after me, she went inside and I don't know she didn't came out after that. Did she chased after Minjoo? But why? What's with them that I don't know? Just what are they?


Yujin Pov

Today is our last day in this place, it was indeed fun but since our time is limited we have to go and leave. Travel home and probably wait for Yena to take the lead and make a plan for us so we won't be wasting time just sitting around watching Netflix.

And now we're playing spin the bottle and the dares are hilarious like, dance infront of a stranger, randomly call someone in your contact-- are we really graduating? 

"Chaewon about last night." I followed her after seeing her going to the kitchen, fixing stuffs I gladly helped her on it. "I'm really sorry." I just really got caught up that time and I don't know what I was doing and thinking at the same time. But she didn't move an inch, or even pushed me away-- I wonder why.

"It's fine." busily washing the plates she replied and cleaning the mess inside, why does she looks attractive with her wearing a plain black apron and a messy hair bun, rolled up sweater sleeve up to her elbow what the hell.

"What do you want to do for this last day here?" I tried to strike a conversation to avoid awkwardness, since that night she refuse to talk to me, would always avoid me, plug her headset or be with Yuri.

Placing the last plate on the cabinet she sighed heavily. "Rest."

I knew she would say that, as expected from this lazy potato.

"Can you call Minjoo for a moment?"

"Thanks in advance."

Minjoo Pov

Hearing a knock on my door I got up from bed, who would even knock at this kind of early, plus they're all sleepyhead how can they wake up too soon? "Come in."

Surprisingly it's Yujin who greeted me, that's odd-- we rarely interact I mean what does she needs from me? Is she going to ask about Chaewon again? Is she going to flex how she got a love life? This sucks. "Chaewon is looking for you." 

All of a sudden? what's with her? "Why?" Is she also going to say sorry again and apologize for everything she did? I sound childish what the hell is wrong with me, this is not right I feel annoyed.

"She didn't say anything."

"Tell her I'm busy."

With the she left and I ran downstairs to report I guess. Lying back to my bed I covered myself with a pillow and yelled, keeping my screams muffled so no one would hear it. 

I don't know what's wrong with me, I told her I give up on her, told myself that I'm over with her but it seems like I was just making lies. 

Minutes and I heard knocking once again, is she really going to pester me about it? Can't she feel that I don't want to see her and can she even stop using Yujin as a messenger.

"Tell her I'm busy." I uttered but still it continued, didn't she heard me? Climbing down the bed to open the door so she could stop making noises because it might wake up the others. 

"I said--"

"May I know what makes you busy that I could hardly call for you?" it was Chaewon all along that I've always thought was Yujin. I was surprised but then soon felt my mood drop to the bottom.

"It's nothing." I mumbled trying my best not to look at her because I can't.

What does she even needs from me that she actually came up just to call for me. "Breakfast is ready."

"I'll take it after."

"I said now."

We were stopped when we heard a door open, it's the duck's room. "Isn't too early for you guys to be flirting?" Yena yawned and rubbed her eyes, stretching her arms up high she took a few sniff. "I smell bacon!" hurriedly running to the kitchen so she won't miss it.

That's some commercial break.

"Why would you even skip breakfast? What is it that you spend time in?" she turned her attention on me and continued to ask questions.

I don't really have anything to do, I just felt like using that excuse so I won't see her. "Why do you even bother to know?" biting my lower lip I clenched my fist, so I'm really going to say it. "Why don't you just give in with Yujin, since that's what you want right?"

"So you saw it." she sounded so calm, does she even cares?

And just like that I went through my limit, this is too much to take. "Please take your leave." I'm the one who shouldn't be affected but why is this? "I don't want to see you."

"Who are you to command me?"

The question she asked me that made my mind blank, I had hard time seeking for an answer.

This is the same scenario, the same event that happened-- I hate it. The scene where I begged for her, told her how much she means to me. The time I confessed, and got still turned down despite of us having mutual feelings.

"Do you still like me?"

"Do you mayhaps love me?"

Is she doing this on purpose? Picking up the exact words we had that time-- does that mean that she still remembers every inch of it?

If that's how she's playing it then I won't mind doing it. "I don't." I answered, so this is what she felt on that day. I feel devastated on rejecting her, I'm on the edge of crying.

"But I do."

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