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Chaewon Pov

"That's it? that's a week already? I cant accept this." I could clearly hear Yena ranting as she carries the luggage back to the car. After we had breakfast we took a quick walk around the place and did some adventures for the last time before bidding goodbye. 

"Well you have to." Yuri responded and slapped the duck's shoulder.

It's pretty nice time spending on it, I guess I don't regret trusting Yena with this plan of hers. 

"Minjoo mind if i take the passenger seat?" Yujin asked. Just whenever I hear Minjoo I would automatically smile and I don't know why.

Yena then popped out of nowhere and suggested. "Give it to her, its their last day." right this is our last before we fly back and study again. That's a lot of time to spend on.

"Where should I sit?"

Lightly tapping my lap I answered. "Here." that caught everyone's attention, especially Yena who had her jaws dropped out of surprise. I mean, what's so shocking in that do they want Minjoo to stay on wheels? 

It has been settled, she took the spot beside me --- as if I would survive a trip if she were sit on my lap. And since there was no violent reaction from anyone so we started our trip to I don't know only Yena knows.

"Say Chaewon.. how long have you two been together?" Yuri asked out of the blue-- that's like the silliest question of all.

 I couldn't help myself but to laugh at them, luckily the puppy is sleeping peacefully. "It was a joke."

And for the second time they're all surprised, do they really expect me to be with Yujin-- that's.. 

"Hey Minjoo you heard that?!" 

"She's sleeping."

"Aww, I was excited to tell to her."

"I'll do it." I announced and smiled, of course it's normal for them scream and react. But what's not right is that I heard the driver squeal is that even right what the heck. I'm getting goosebumps knowing that he's listening to our conversation.

Yena Pov

"Minjoo, Chaewon wake up we're here." I nudged the two, we've arrived to our destination already and it'll be a waste of time for them to sleeping when we're suppose to have fun.

Froggy opened her eyes a little bit and pushed my face away. Peeking outside she had this perplexed look on her face. "This isn't our house."

It took her longer to realize where we are, as expected from her. "Yes! We'll spend our time here!"

I still don't know where I got the courage to lend them here, when I'm basically a scaredy cat. Oh well if ever I won't make I already wrote a letter kept inside my bag ready to given to my parents. 

"On a horror house?" 

"Does this look like barbie world?" I sarcastically questioned her, an abandoned house with windows cracked and broken, sending creepy vibes making you feel like someone is staring at you from a distance. "Make it quick I'll get going first."

"Don't take too much time or else you'll be left behind."

Yuri Pov

Currently taking our way inside the house, just by the entrances sends me disappointment already.I tried my best to decline their idea of going to this place but it's just really hard to do that. And now we're all forced to enter even it's against our will. I hate this.

 "Yena just what are you thinking?" I asked her, her grasp getting tighter every second I could say she's scared as hell is she insane.

Expecting her to be sweaty and panic she instead laughed. "Calm down babe I got this." she boasted and looked at herself as some kind of mighty person. "Just if you feel cold hands climbing from you foot up to your leg then run okay?"

That's not right what the hell, it's not scary it's disgusting. I would deadass kick anyone's face if someone would dare to do it on me, without a word.

"That's perverted." this is actually not scaring me, not even an inch knowing the fact that there are men around me-- it completely changed my mood. The decorations are good I would say, the paintings, the way they set things up. The jump scares as well, but.. men I would never consider.

I felt my hand being set free, did I lost track with Yena? "Okay I'll chop that hand if ever there is." she clenched her fist and led the way, but then seconds after she clung into my arms and made me walk first.

"But you know there are rumors here." a smirk painted on my lips, this is kinda fun I think. 

With that statement Yena snuggled closer, what a gay.

"That some people fail to make their way out because some real ghost haunts this place, they're lost and so they also want other people to be lost just like them."

Her frightened expression is really cute, won't get bored of it. Though she's starting to squeeze hard my blood won't be able to pass I don't want to die with this embarrassing cause. "So make sure you--"

Eyes tightly closed, lips quivering in horror it's fun teasing her. "I hate you."

"I'm kidding?" I giggled and patted her head to let her be at rest, we didn't actually mind the monsters or ghosts coming after us, it looked like we have our own world. "I told you I'm here okay?"

I can barely feel the disappointment in our surroundings, too bad they failed to scare us. They sucks I guess.

"We went here to be scared not to see you two flirting." we cross path with Chaewon who looked boring as well, as if things like these would scare her. She might even calculated the time she's  going to waste inside. 

Yena felt relieved of having someone inside, she tried to cling on Minjoo but there was this zombie who appeared out of nowhere causing for her to wake her way back to me. "Yuri scared me to death." she whined and buried her face on my shoulder.

Not gonna lie that zombie's eye shadow is nice.

"But oh wow why are you two holding hands?" the duck noticed as well, making me lay an eye to the two. They're really holding each others hand, well what do we have here. Did they finally settled things down or what? Inch resting.

Some kind of monster were making it's way towards Chaewon and she effortlessly threw a glare to it, and it went poof in a second. That's scary what the hell this isn't right anymore.

As much as I want to freak out I didn't-- "None of your business."

"I want to go out here already lets go." Minjoo barged in and started to walk, is this even considered as a haunted house? cause sis it ain't. Chaewon simply smiled after and followed the frog.

I nodded my waved a hand, is this even right bidding goodbye while inside this place? Are we even real? "Yena and I are still enjoying take care!"

"Minjoo help me juseyo.." she started to cry and pitifully looking at me begging me to take her out already. This was her idea and yet she's backing out she should've joined with Yujin.

But if she were to do that they won't be able to go out anymore. "Now where was I again?" slowly taking steps toward her she kept on moving away. "And where do you think you're going I'm coming after you." 

All the monsters inside found jobless. They could just stay on their posts and watch me to their job. "Awooo~"

"Yuri!" she kept on running not minding where it will lead her, look at this dumbass she can trip any moment by now. "I swear to god if you wont stop--"

"Whatchu going to do?" mocking her endlessly til she tells me to stop, pennywise suddenly appeared on my right taking me by surprise, I almost yelled but since it's not that kinda scary I didn't.

Bringing back my attention to the terrified duck I lifted up her chin, wearing a smug expression that would annoy her more. "I'll--"

Leaving a smooch on her lips her shoulders fell off all her worries and fears vanished in an instant. 

"Let's go already I'm not scared anymore."

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