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Minjoo POV


I suddenly swallowed my tongue, is this for real? Chaewon? she's infront of me? Am I just seeing things? Do I miss her that much that I'm already hallucinating her?

Blinking my eyes multiple times she didn't disappear. She was just there with her eyes as wide as mine. We're both surprised.

What is this?

It took us minutes before we get rid of the awkward silence surrounding us. Still holding the glass she asked me to lend to her she still hasnt took it.

Her hair, a combination of red and bright pink, those big round eyes of hers that stands out the darkness. Did she even change, even for a bit?

Realization hits me up, this is real. I'm infront of her now, wearing this...

White frog styled apron.

And a messy hair bun.

Such a nice a first impression to someone who left for years and just came back by now.

Noticing my stares to her she drifted her attention away, playing with her own hair as she take a big gulp. Stealing some glances at me I giggled. I guess she changed.

And on that moment I started to panic. How do I talk to her? How I do start a conversation with her? What tone should I use? How should I approach her? How should I seeks her answer from the questions that I've been keeping since the day she left.

So many things running inside my mind. I'm on complete confusion, how do I deal with this?

"Welcome back." the first word that slipped out of my mouth. I sounded like I have no interest or not surprised of seeing her in such unexpecting timing.

Why did you kept everything to me a secret?

Why did I have to learn what you really want when you already left

You didnt even let me give you at least a proper goodbye

And now you're back

I still failed to give you a proper welcome.

"Here's the glass you're asking." I shoved the thing she asked me to hand over her to crack the awkwardness around us. I don't know what to feel about this one.

She simply nodded her head and was ready to take it but she stopped midway thinking where should she hold it. Its not like I have a skin disease why does she have to act this way.

Its just our hand touching for a milinsecond why is she so sensitive of it.

And so I laid the drinking glass on the table and brought back my attention to the sink even though there's no more plates to wash.

Hearing the chair being dragged back inside I assumed she left already. She didnt even say a word. I guess I really messed up.

Or I shouldve not done that.

Either of it we still didnt talk.

Letting out a deep sigh, I decided to drift my thoughts away by cleaning the whole kitchen. I still dont want to go back to the sala, I'm not ready to see her most especially with her mom.

But of course I cant stay that long on that place or her mom will be worried and I dont want that to happen. Filling up a glass with water I just realized that Chaewon carried an empty glass.

"Do you mind?" a voice broke up the silence in me. It was her handling me the drinking glass. I wasn't really paying attention to anything, I was focused to her, she talked to me, she spoke. "Thanks in advance."

Laying it down the table like I did a while back I quickly picked it and filled it with water. "Here." carefully taking out the apron I'm wearing the ponytail holding my hairbun accidentally went along with the lace of the apron and eventually made my hair on loose.

What else can go worse for me. I'm a complete mess.

Feeling so embarrassed on how I'm struggling to remove the apron on me I gave up and brought my attention to Chaewon and akwardly smiled.

She loudly cleared her throat and took the glass as she make her way back to the sala. A quick glance happened before she started walking. "You look pretty."


Chaewon POV

"You just got water, what took you so long?" Yujin ranted as soon as I arrived while carrying the glass of water I was about to give to her but I changed my mind.

This puppy is triggering me.

"None of your business." I shortly answered, I really want to smash this glass down to the table infront of this annoying puppy. "I hope you enjoyed laughing at my childhood."

She just laughed that made me more irritated, can she just shut up cant she tell I'm not in the mood for fun. I dont even remember having such mood. "Oh yes I did. Forehead." lightly flicking my forehead I slapped her hand away.

Moving to the vacant couch I threw a pillow at her, I'm acting like this right infront of my mom.

They talked about things and I didnt mind because I'm having other thoughts inside me and that's why is Minjoo taking too much time in the kitchen.

Like its been 10 minutes since I left her there and she still hasnt returned, just what is she doing.

"Welcome back."

The same statement kept on repeating, like a loop played inside me. Without knowing I was left out for minutes.

"Something's bugging you?" Yujin pinched my cheek and messed my bangs. "You okay?" that's like her 10th question already.

Weakly pushing her away I moved to another seat. "I'm good." resting myself I felt sleepiness creeping upon me. Probably should rest even a little.

Breathing is tiring.

Few minutes of being unconscious I woke up when I heard different voices talking. Sitting up straight I saw Minjoo carrying plates and carefully placing it on the table.

"Sorry I made you wait, I didn't know you have visitors." taking our chairs Mom took the center seat and I had to sit beside Yujin so she wont feel out of place and Minjoo sitting infront of me.

"Sorry for the trouble Minjoo." mom bowed her head as she apologize to Minjoo for doing such thing that she shouldve not done.

"No worries."

"Yujin, this is Minjoo, she's really close to Chaewon when they were in highschool. Minjoo often visits here, sometimes she would stay here because Chaewon is so persistent of making her sleep here."

"My daughter really likes talking to Minjoo, in personal and in phone. They were like glued to each other."

"I always see them as--"

Minjoo immediately stood up from her place getting the attention of the rest around her. "Please call me if you're all done eating so I can clean already, eat well." making excused and made her way to exit.

"I'll just go to the bathroom." I followed then after, I didn't mean to really follow Minjoo but I just felt like I need to go to the bathroom.

That moment a while back was a dangerous one. We almost got labeled of something else by mom.

What will happen if our talk was continued..?


yall ssamjin just breathed

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