57| Void

22 7 7

*A few centuries previous*

I see him hiding alone. I hold his sobbing form, whispering that he isn't alone anymore. He is forgiven. I am here.

He speaks, as if to himself, of his beautiful boy, who he's betrayed. Who he loves.

I am here for him. We become each other's solace. He turns to me for comfort as I simply love his beautiful broken soul.

We sleep on the same ground, breathe the same air, feel the same stark loneliness only the other can ease.


"Yes love?"

"Never leave me."

"I'm not going anywhere End."

His gentle fingers trace the planes of my face, warming my skin with his trembling touch. His body curls into mine and we share each other's warmth, basking in the simplicity of shadows.

Edited ✔

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