Secrets :part 2

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When I get home everyones like "Oh god What happened? Eww your soaked."

"I got caught in the rain. Because the car didn't have gas."

"You could've asked me to pick you up." Michael says

"I wasn't thinking so I walked. Michael. Why didn't you tell me that Melissa was Luis sister?" 

"Amy its not like that."

"Well there's something I have to tell you. I never broke up Luis until today. And one of the reasons why I broke up with him was because of you and Melissa. How could you be so hippercritical. Oh and she said hi. Also that she wasn't your girlfriend she is your f**k buddy!"





"I became me. And not my father. And not who yall want me to be." Then I ran upstairs and talked to Tanya.

On the phone with Tanya


Tanya: What's up bitch.

Me: Luis is what's up

Tanya: what happened

Me his sister told me about you and the abortion.


Me: Yea. Why didn't you tell you had time.

Tanya: Because I knew yall were perfect for each other. But then he started treating me like butt and like I didn't exist so once I told him I was pregnant he flipped out. But I know who the true Louis us and he's great and I thought hey since he likes her maybe he'll treat you better.

Me:its over between me and Luis I ended it.

Tanya:Get back with him it'll make everything better and since you know the full story then you should be ok.

Me:Yea but what it I get pregnant will he do the same.

Tanya: well first you have to have sex. And I doubt it he's changed through the years and I think he really loves you. He didn't care that way for me.

Me:Even when I'm mad at you you somehow manage to calm me down and let me do the right thing.

Tanya: well as a bestfriend its my job.


Tanya: No problem

Me: Can you and Zoey come here and near my window so that I can escape this house.

Tanya:Sure but why are you running away.

Me:because of everything and everyone. So get the car and head to my house but park where my window is.

Tanya:ok bye but again I'm so sorry

Me:And I'm still alittle mad at you you.

Tanya:Ok I know.

29 mins later.

I received a text saying "were here come out when your ready."

So then I make a quick run away letter and keep it on the desk in my room. The letter says,to Michael and mom,

I know yall are upset with me and I'm sorry, but I can't go on living like this. So I'm leaving, just for a few weeks maybe months. But don't worry I'll be somewhere safe. I know my ass is in a lot of trouble when I come back but I still will go to school so Michael will see me but I'm not coming home so don't try to make me.

Love, Amy.

Now I through my suitcase out the window and then I climb out the window.there's always been a latter there because my father use to try and fix the roof every once and a while. I go in the car with everything I need.

"Where we heading?" Zoey says.

"First Luis. Then to who ever mom is gonna let me stay at their house under cover." I said. Knowing there wasn't a chance.

"Ok then." Zoey says. And we head to Luis house.

At Luis house:8:37pm. 

I knock on the door very nervously. And his mother answers the door.

"Well hello. I assume your looking for Luis." Synthia says.

"Yea. Is he here?" I asked

"Yep. He's here..... Why don't I get him for you." She suggested


"Luis Someone's here for you. And she's not a whore! His mother shouts." then he comes to the door back slouched down in his undershirt.

"Amy?" Luis says as he tries to straighten his back.



"Hi." I said back completely nervous.

Is everything ok?

'Yea. I just um wanted to see you. And apologize for my behavior. You welcomed me in you home and I should've handled that piece of information better.$ I said nervously.

"No I'm so sorry I should've told you everything about me and my past when we first met."

"Yea well. And about your father I feel so bad."

*Yea well Yolo."

"I just have one question and this determines everything between me and you. And don't lie. If I would've got pregnant with your baby, would you have made be get an abortion?" I asked with fear.

"Honestly, no I wouldn't. There's something about you that makes me wanna fight for you no matter what..... Amy Underwood, I fell for you. I love you." Luis says and he's holding my hand. And my eyes started tearing up as they were getting ready to cry.

"I love you to Luis. But can we make this work without having to keep it a secret?" I says as I was starting to cry.

"I believe that anything is possible including us. So yes we just have to not care what other people think including our families."

He wipe tears off my face and kisses me. I really missed his lips. "Luis were gonna have to fight for our relationship." I said

"No we're not we will just go with the flow." He says to me.

"I like that idea. But I have to go so see on Monday."

"Yea see you on Monday." Luis says and his accent lights my heart up.

I go to the car and Zoey and Tanya both say "WELL TELL US WHAT HAPPENED."

"We're back together. And were not hiding it this time. This time were going full public."

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