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Kabir pov .....

I felt bad for Rashi , my heart was aching watching her crying like this , she was wiping her cheeks every second , with fresh tears flowing , I held her hand to assure her .

When I came back , after parking car , I saw Rashi with Navneet ,
" For me my family comes before myself , I can do anything for them "
She was saying to him and stopped looking at me .

' What was she saying exactly ? '

But relief of her face states that dad is fine .

After meeting mom , dad , we headed back , I stayed quiet  , because today I wants to see , if she initiate any conversation .

But to my sadness the whole ride of 30 minutes was complete  silent .
I do like silence ,
but not when I'm with her .

' Why she stopped speaking looking at me ? '
' What was she saying ' ?
' What's there Rashi ,
which you can't speak to him in front of me ' ?

' May be she likes him '
' Today he saved dad too '
' Now he must me a hero in her view '

' But he is the idiot who escaped '
' Should I talk to her about all this ' ?
' It's killing me now '

' But what will she gonna think of me '

' But if she herself wants to go to him then ' ?

' Will you be able to let her go ' ?
My mind asked and in a second I had sweat buds on my forehead .

' No..I......I.......Can't..I....'

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