You're drunk~

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Ban's p.o.v
King takes another sip of ale as the group laughs.
"To king!" We cheers and chug. I feel myself getting really tipsy.
"Ban is done." Meliodus points out.
"I'll- *hic* take him home." I look at King surpised.
"Oh. Okay don't crash your pillow." 
"It's not a pillow! Now help me with the-." He hiccups again. "The drunk."
"At least I'm not that thing!" I yell defensively
"Shut up you."
"Hmm. No!" King picks me up and we head to my house. (I know they probably all live in the tavern but it's for the sake of the book.) I fiddle with my keys and fall flat on my ass. I hear king chuckle.
"Need help~?" I can't tell if he was slurring or something else. He grabs my key out of my pocket. "Ban! Is this the right key?"
"Huh? Oh yeah."
"You're drunk~!" He laughs at me stumbling to open my door. "Damn it Ban let me open it."
"I-I got it." His lips are close to mine. I step back and fall off the step.
"Give me the keys Ban." I hand him the keys in defeat and he opens the door.
"Damned fairy."
"Just get in the house." King just looks at me.
"Okay I'm going."
"You're still on the ground."
"I'm moving see." He grabs my foot and pulls me in. "I told you I was moving see I'm inside now."
"Let's get you undressed shall we."
"Oou king wants to undress me how surprising."
"Okay okay fine." I take off my jacket and set it on the couch. "So why did you volunteer to take me home?" He looks a little flustered. "Are you still drunk?"
"I drank more then everyone."
"Okay fair. Why did you volunteer to take me home?" He floats closer to me.
"You were drunk."
"You have never done it before."
"Did Meliodas put you up to this?"
"No. I would never go through with a plan like this. I did it of my own free will thank you."
"Well why don't you get off Chastity and sit on the couch."
"Okay." He gets off and sit on the far end of the couch.
"Sit closer King."
"Fine." He scoots a little closer. Close enough for me to pull him to my side. "B-ban."
"What?" King kisses me. He doesn't break it but instead turns it into a make out. "It was to get me out of my clothes wasn't it?"
"I can do that no problem. You would strip for anyone."
"For booze hell yeah."
"See. No problem."
"Yeah but so is sleeping with me." I lay him down on the couch hold myself above him.
"I-. So? Why do you think I want to sleep with you?" I take off his jacket and kiss his neck occasionally leaving hickeys. "B-Ban~." King wraps his arms around my neck as I get to the hem of his pants. "P-please!"
"I thought you didn't want to sleep with me."
"Okay okay." I pull off his bottoms.
"Yes king~?" He looks down. "Why so needy King? How about this I'll be right back."
"Uh okay."
"Don't worry I won't be long." I go to my room and grab some toys. I go back to the living room and catch king touching himself. "I said I wouldn't be long."
"I-I was just keeping myself r-ready." I put a bit of Lube on the toy then rub some on king. I slip it in and he moans.
"It's not me yet doll." He grips my arms.
"I-It kinda hurts."
"You're a virgin?"
"Yes! What did you think?"
"I'm going to keep that to myself thank you!" I pull it out and roughly push it back in causing him to scream and arch his back in pleasure. I kiss his cheek and strip from the rest of my clothes.  "Doll?" He slips from my grip. I feel his tongue on my dick. I gasp as he takes me farther in his mouth. Little hums escape his mouth. He comes back to the potion from before. "You ready?"
"Yeah." He grips my shoulders as he slowly goes up and down at a rhythmic pace. His small warm body pressed up against me. I hold his ass he rides me.
"BAN!!" I feel him release on the both of us.
"Try to keep going just a little longer."
"Y-yeah okay." Sweat and cum clinging to our bodies. I cum as he cums for the second time.

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