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Ban's p.o.v
We choose to stay home after yesterday's events.
"That's your nickname. Bee."
"Why Bee?"
"I don't know! Bee."
"What?" He kisses my exposed chest moving up to the crook of my neck leaving behind marks. His hands holding my waist as he slightly grinds against me. "Doll?"
"Hmm?" He pauses. "Do you not want to? We haven't done it in a while I thought you'd want to I'm sorry."
"No that's not it it's just do you still want to after what I said yesterday?" He slips one of his hands down my pants as his lips meet mine. He grins into the kiss as I moan a little. He pulls away and slides down and begins undoing my pants.
"Really? Do you ever wear underwear?"
"Too much fabric." He just shrugs it off and continues to play with me. I lean my head back as I feel the warmth of his mouth around my exposed member. I hear him hum a little. I go to pull his hair but he stops me. He grabs my hands and pushes them away. I keep trying until he stops what he was doing. He drags me to his room. He pushes me on the bed Barely giving me anytime to think before climbing on top. His smaller frame almost making this man less intimidating. His soft lips against my sensitive nipples.
'Come on Ban don't give in that easily.' I try to switch our position but some how this little fairy is stronger then me.
"Try it again and see what happens." I stop trying to change the dynamic this time. I don't know what he has in store but I'm ready for all of it. He goes back to his 'work.' (Oh yeah if you've seen all of the seasons I started to watch the other ones didn't like them so this is purely off the first season except escanore of course I don't think he is in season one but hey why not add him.) He presses his hard cock against mine. The mere thought of him inside me is making me throb with excitement. His dainty hands touching every inch of my body his mouth leaving more marks claiming me as his own. I bite back moans trying to hide satisfaction. He looks me in the eyes annoyed. "I'm doing all this work for nothing? Come on you weren't like this when I had you tied up. Is that what you want?" I can tell he is genuinely annoyed so I grin. "Cocky bastard."
"What ya gonna do about it, doll."
"What am I going to do? No it's what you're going to do."
'Great going Ban. Antagonize the annoyed fairy even more why don't you.' "What are you saying I'm gonna do?"
"Roll over ass up."
"What if I said no."
"Why are you being so annoying! If you don't want to do anything just tell me!"
"I'm just playing I'd do anything for you."
"Then do it Ban. Don't play games with me!" I grab his face in my hands and hold it there as I passionately kiss him. He melts into it and gets grabby. I pin him to the bed and leave my work behind. I hold both his hands above his head with one hand and play with his member with the other. (Expect less of the words cock, penis, or dick. For some reason when I read them back in my head or even out loud it makes me uncomfortable... idk why considering I write smut as a pass time and to pay back debts to someone.) He squirms trying to gain dominance again.
"How about I tie you up?"
"You wouldn't."
"This is me we are talking about!"
"I- fair enough get it over with!"
"Wait really?"
"Yeah just not too tight. You don't want to cut of circulation."
"Got it. Tell me if it's too loose or tight." I do his first wrist.
"That's too loose Ban."
"How's this."
"A little tight. Try and stick a finger in between the rope and my arm."
"I can't."
"See too tight. You should be able to slip at least one finger in comfortably."
"I've seen a lot of people try and resist it after being tied down to really submit. It's safer to do two fingers but one is the minimum at least that's how I'll do it." I tie his hand and legs up. "Good now have your way."
"Like I can do anything?"
"Anything Anything?"
"Are you going to murder me like damn what do you have planned?"
"I just want to know what's on the table when you say anything."
"Anything in the black bins! God don't make it sound like you're gonna murder me!"
"Okay. I'll just use myself."
"What? As I said I wanted to know what was on the table baby." (Yes I know a lot of notes. I'm trying to do something new because if you've been on my other account then you'll notice that the smut is kinda similar.) He squirms a bit as I suck him off and play with his nipples. He whimpers at my touch. His soft warm skin already bruising from the hickeys. His member throbbing in my mouth.
"Baaan~." I hmm in response. "Ahh~. Don't do that!"
"Why not huh?" He looks flustered.
"It's just- I uh- the vibration of your voice."
"What do you mean?"
"It's hard to explain." I shrug it off and try to avoid causing vibration with my mouth while sucking him off. I lube up King then myself. I line up and thrust hard and fast into him causing him to gasp and grip the ropes. (He had a post bed. So it has four post in each corner that the ropes can be tied to. If the person is tall enough. If not king installed some things he can tie the ropes to on the sides of the bed frame.) I watch his face flush red and his eyes roll up. Speechless as words cannot be formed. His knuckles are white from the grip he has on the ropes.  I kiss his neck causing him to gasp again. He tries to wrap his arms around me to no avail. I continue to pound my cock into the smaller man. Him barely getting out a moan as he tries desperately to get free to try and hold me as close as possible. I feel bad so I untie him while holding him close to my body with one arm. Once his arms are free he wraps them around me as I get his legs free.
"Th-tha-." I kiss him stopping him from saying anything. Our bodies so intertwined you would think we were one. His arms holding me close. Our lips meeting for a passionate kiss. He finally cums with a loud moan and clench causing me to bust. He grabs my face and holds it close to his. "You're my Bee."
"You're my Doll." We clean up and cuddle. His head against my chest, arms and legs wrapped around my body. I watch his chest rise and fall gently as he drifts off to sleep in my arms. "I love you Doll."

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now