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King's p.o.v
"Yeah?" He looks at me confused.
"Will the group ever know about this?"
"I mean if they don't they are dumb."
"Have you met The group? The smartest one out of them is a fucking pig! A pig they use as a fucking vacuum cleaner!" I point out.
"True. They have no hope."
"But it's painfully obvious... the running off with each other, minimal fighting, the glances, hickeys!"
"Yeah. It maybe obvious but they are oblivious."
"Like-." I'm cut off by a knock on the door.
"Shit. Hide!"
"I forgot I invited Elizabeth over." I feel a jealous tang in my heart. "Don't worry doll it's just to talk about Meliodas."
"Okay." I run to his room and sit on the wall separating the bedroom from the living room.
"Hey Elizabeth."
"Is that King's jacket on the couch?"
"The jacket. Isn't that King's?"
"Oh yeah. He got blood on it so I offered to wash it. Since I've had my fair share of experience with bloody clothes."
"Oh okay. I mean you guys have been more well civil with each other."
"So Meliodas?"
"Yeah. I don't know why I didn't notice this sooner but he is grabby."
"He's a perv."
"Is that normal for him?"
"He sees boobs and his brain with out fail says grab em. It's far more then normal."
"Yeah. You've seriously never clued in that this was normal for him?"
"I guess I'm a little clueless."
"You can say that again."
"How about you and King? You guys seem to be abnormally at peace recently.."
"He forgave me for what happened to his sister.. I guess we tolerate each other."
"Nothing more?"
"Nope. Forgiveness does wonders ya know."
"So if I were to this-." I hear Ban jump off the couch.
"What the fuck! Don't fucking touch me! I'm all for supporting you about a perv but if you become one I can't help you princess."
"Ban if you're not with King then who are you with? I would be awfully coincidental that you go to each other's houses and the next day are covered in hickeys."
"Ever stop to think that we both have separate sex lives? We are grown men! We have needs."
"What about the nickname Doll or the short Patients with Diane when ever her and King joke around."
"It's none of your business! Maybe I like Diane. Maybe I call him Doll cause it pisses him off."
"Calm down."
"Then quit prying!" I want to hug him to calm him down but I know it would just make him worse.
"Then admit it! I know you two are a thing it's so obvious!" I hear him punch the wall.
"Stop! Fucking! Prying!" There is a knock at his door. I hear him open the door and the groups voices follow.
"Where is King?"
"We can't find him and we haven't heard from him in a bit."
"I don't know last I heard from him he needed blood cleaned off his jacket."
"Elizabeth? What's wrong?"
"Ban! He was yelling at me for no reason!"
"You kept trying to pry for information! Don't act all innocent! I don't yell if I'm not given a reason!"
"What were you trying to get out of him?"
"I know him and King are a thing! It's obvious! I just want him to admit it!"
"Give it up princess! You're not getting it! If you don't give it up you can leave!"
"Why else would you and King not be at each other's necks!"
"She is right. You and King have been rather tolerant with each other. There is a lot of pointers to a relationship and you helping with his jacked is definitely a little suspicious even if you forgave each other."
"I loved his sister!"
"You know your love for her could have been you trying to hide your feelings for King."
"Leave." Ban says bitterly.
"YOU DONT GET TO TELL ME HOW I FEEL NOW LEAVE!!" I come running out to try and defuse the situation before anyone gets hurt.
"So he was hiding here."
"Stop! You're pissing him off!"
"See I told you!"
"So your love for his sister was fake."
"How about we take this outside Gowther. Let's see how long your mouth keeps you alive!"
"Ban! Stop! Calm down and breathe."
"Shut up you fucking fairy! The only thing you're good for is sex!"
Ban's p.o.v
I slap my hands over my mouth as King's eyes fill with tears.
"King I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! It was just heat of the moment! You are so much more then that."
"All you're good for is being a whiny little bitch who mopes around and blames himself for everything! Grow up! Not everything is about you!"
"Doll please." I kneel down to his height and hold him to my chest. "I didn't mean it. I swear. I'm so sorry." I'm crying so hard I feel sick.
"No I get it. It's feels good to say mean things when you're mad."
"You're not mad?"
"Not at you no."
"Wait what? When did this happen?"
"Don't you guys think you've done enough already! Just fucking leave!" They leave and I just sit there holding King to my chest.
"I'm sorry Doll. I shouldn't have said anything."
"You were mad. You have very little control when you're mad. I get it. I know you didn't mean it."
"Now they are gonna be weird around us."
"At least they don't know the dirty details. Now stop crying it doesn't look good on you." He wipes my face with his hand and kisses my cheek. "Better?"
"A little." He gives me a soft smile.
"Good. Are you really jealous of Diane?"
"Away Babe! I'm not interested in women that way."
"It's not that. You would give her more attention then me and I'm a greedy bastard. I want you to myself."
"Sap alert."
"Shut it doll."
"I need a nickname for you."
"Yeah I mean I gave you doll and it stuck."
"Yeah. I'll have to think on that."
"Will you stay with me forever?"
"Of course! I don't plan on losing you."

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now