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Ban's p.o.v
King is clinging to me as he sleeps. I wrap my one arm around him holding him tightly thinking to myself about how I'm going to ask him. He groans a little as he turns away from me. I release him from my grip. I head upstairs and check his fridge.
"Damned fairy probably doesn't go shopping." I put together breakfast with whatever made sense together just in time for King to practically crawl up the stairs. "Good morning Doll."
"Morning Bee."
"How you feeling?"
"Well I was gonna wake you up with breakfast in bed but you crawled up out of the dark hole you call a bedroom."
"Yup." I can feel him hug me from the side just above my belly button.
"What did ya make?"
"Honestly I can't tell ya... I just put some random shit together."
"Ohhhh yeahhh that's what I was supposed to do."
"What's that? Grocery run?"
"Yeah. Sorry Ban I'm used to being on my own and ordering take out."
"Speaking of which. Maybe I could move in? Of course we would do a trial move in and stuff but-."
"Ban we practically live with each other already. Just bring your shit over and don't tell the group where you're going."
"Why are you hiding?"
"My god I thought you've been in my room! I mean you literally tied me up last night."
"You could lock the door."
"I just don't want them over I've got other friends I trust more."
"What about Diane?"
"I didn't tell her about us you really think I'd let her here?"
"Okay fair. What about the vibration thing last night?"
"Its an issue I noticed with the partner who introduced me to all that. Anything that caused even the slightest vibration would cause painful orgasims."
"You could have told me before hand Doll."
"I don't think about it until it happens."
"Is it only when vibrations touch your you know... thing and ass."
"Yeah your.. thing."
"My cock!"
"Aaahaha! Don't say it!"
"I don't like that word."
"What about-?"
"No. I don't like any of those words. I don't mind member. I just say thing."
"Why thing?"
"I don't know! I just do. I've been doing it since.."
King's p.o.v
His voice trails off as his face drops.
"Since my sister?"
"Yeah. Her. I'm gonna go get some of my stuff."
"Do you want help?"
"No." He leaves and I eat my breakfast. I wait on the couch until he comes back. He closes the door behind him bag on his back and bag on his side.
"What's in there?"
"Important stuff." He hands me a book simply labeled photos.
"What is it."
"Just look at it." He seems a bit distance.
"All the photos I took of her. While she was.... enjoying life."
"You don't want the ones of you guys together?"
"No. Keep em. They're yours now. She was your sister."
"Ban. Just because you've moved on doesn't mean you have to erase all memories with her."
"Why do you think I was drinking so much? I don't want to remember anymore king. I-." He looks like he's two seconds from crying.
"Bee. I know you miss her. I do too but you've got me don't you?"
"You don't feel like I'm replacing her with you?"
"No Ban. You just happened to have feelings for us both and I get that. I know you know there is no replacing the memories you two made together but I also know we can make new ones together." He looks upset but better. "You can tell me anything."
"She just had this innocence even if she wasn't she just always seemed so innocent. Like not even the dirtiest man could taint that."
"Hell even you couldn't."
"So what happened to you?" He laughs at his own joke.
"Lots of lonely nights." He sits down and kisses the top of my head.
"No more lonely nights for this Doll."
"Yay." I snuggle into his chest after turning on a movie.
"Will we ever you know... go on a date?"
"I don't know. Are you allergic to animals?"
"Let's go to a petting zoo!"
"Yeah! It would be nice. Think about all the animals we would see!"
"What about your other friends?"
"Do you want to meet them?"
"Would be nice." I hear his gentle heart beat in my ear.
"I'll get them over if you get dressed." He groans as he gets up.
"Fine." He grabs his bags and takes them down stairs. I would follow him to snoop but it's probably the same outfit just remade over and over. I text my friends asking if they want to come over. They get here before Ban finishes getting changed.
"Man this is why I stopped wearing jeans they just ri-. Oh! Hi there! I'm Ban." I stare at him wearing normal... NORMAL everyday clothes. Like jeans and a tee-shirt normal!
"Well someone is dumbfounded."
"You have normal clothes?"
"Well yeah! I can't go out into town looking like a fucking kink lord."
"I mean that hasn't stopped you before."
"Well this is a new town no one really knows us here. Why not make a good image of myself."
"Shush and introduce me already Doll!"
"Oh right!" I laugh a little. (These are going to be basic names. Lol.) "This is George," the blonde one waves at Ban. "Aizawa." (This is for my hero fans... take it as you will.) "Malichai, Jones, and his twin Jonas." The rest of them wave.
"Hello! As said before I'm Ban... uh. Well just Ban." He scratches the back of his neck.
"Just Ban! To hell with that you're Bee!"
"So Harlequin found himself a man!"
"Ooh someone goes by something fancy."

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now