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Ban's p.o.v
"So what took you guys so long to find Chastiefol?"  Gowther asks us.
"It was his keys that we couldn't find. Turns out I had them on me the whole time." King looks at me hiding my work from the group.
"Oh." I pull out his keys.
"See." He snatches the keys from my hand. He floats to Diane's height and sits on her shoulder. I feel a tinge in my heart and stomach but I ignore it.
"You okay Ban?" Meliodas asks concerned
"Just fine." Meliodas looks unsure of my answer but ignored it.
"So why didn't you check if his keys were on you?"
"I- uh. Hungover." I lie. Diane and King start laughing about something. I feel the feeling come back. I want to say something but I don't know what to say. King noticed my stutter. I brush off the confused looks and the group goes back to joking around but I am stuck thinking. Think about King, his soft lips, his smile, his voice, his laugh, everything about him even the things that used to piss me off. I laugh at myself.
"What is so funny Ban?" Diane asks puzzled.
"Nothing just thinking."
"Okay." Diane sits down along with the group. I notice my patience shortened with her. King picks up on it too.
"Why don't we drink a little." I agree.
"Sure sounds fun." Everyone looks at King who still is covering his mouth.
"But you don't usually drink with Ban."
"So?" He sits beside me so I pick him up and pull Chastiefol away from him.
"BAN!" I hold him and Chastiefol as far from each other that my arms will let me. King puts on his hood and tried to slap me.
"King what happened to your jaw?" I drop him and hold chestiefol.
"It's just a bruise that's all. It must have just started forming." Diane brushes it off but they pick up on the lie considering I'm now holding chestiefol without a complaint from king.
"Yeah and Ban is holding Chestiefol like it is nothing."
"We fight okay!" King grabs chestiefol and floats off.
"At least I didn't piss him off." I note.
"Go find him!" Meliodas yells at me.
"Sure thing captain." I roll my eyes and run in the direction king went. "Hey doll."
"Hi Ban." I wrap my arms around him.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Everything. You know before whatever this is."
"It's just that my sister saved you. It was nothing you did."
"I'm still sorry."
"You are so stubborn."
"I mean duh! I'm a bandit for crying out loud."
"I thought you gave that up."
"You know a certain someone needed a cherry bandit."
"Oh my god Ban!"
"Never ever refer to yourself as a 'cherry bandit' ever again!"
"I won't trust me." He snickers to himself. "But there is something else I want to steal."
"Who does it belong to and what is it?"
"You and your heart."
"I need that to live."
"Never stopped me and you ruined my pick up line damned fairy."
"I know but you know you have already stolen that so how do you steal that twice."
"Smooth. Any more brewing in there."
"Due time."
"All though I can't get the thought of you calling me doll while masturbating out of my head."
"Maybe I can glue a new thought in there."
"Oh yeah?" I kiss his soft lips. "Maybe you can."
"Why don't we go to where you call home?"

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now