Finally. (Just an extra.)

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Ban's p.o.v
I hobble my way upstairs.
"Look who's alive!"
"What do you mean?"
"You fell asleep for two days. I don't think you even woke up to go to the bathroom."
"I do have a tendency to sleep walk if I'm out for too long."
"Well I'm glad to see you awake. You hungry?"
"Breakfast is in the microwave then."
"Thanks. So what did you do while I was out?"
"Hung out with some friends, cooked a lot, baked, did a few things around the house. I felt lonely though."
"At least I finally got sleep."
"That's true. How does your foot feel?"
"Surprisingly it feels great."
"Maybe we should get George over here to see?"
"We can yeah."
"Okay. I'll call him." I hear a knock on the door Twenty minutes later.
"Hello Harlequin. Ban."
"So what's up?"
"We wanted to see how Ban's foot is."
"It won't be healed yet."
"My bet is it is. I know my body. Check it before it checks you."
"Sorry. Can you please check it? I'm so poor and defenceless I couldn't even touch a fly."
"Not what I meant when I yelled at you Bee."
"Fine we can look at it but I can guarantee it's not healed." He does his scany thing. "It hasn't been long enough how is it healed already?"
"Good told you so." I was ready so I just punch it. It crumbles. "It dried too hard." George looks at me confused. "What? You really think with my immortality I wouldn't train myself? You're dumb. Where is the group I'm in a mood."
"What kind of mood?"
"Not sure I'll figure out when I get there."
"The boar's hat hasn't moved."
"Perfect." I take off sprinting. "Hm the fairy was right. Hasn't moved but it also looks like it hasn't been open." I open the door. Hawks is there. "Hey Pig."
"Ban! You actually showed up. That's a welcomed surprise."
"Where did the group go?"
"They went to your house to talk to you. You weren't there and they freaked out."
"I don't live there anymore. Some old couple bought it."
"So where do you live?"
"Not telling you. Or them."
"You look different. A good different. Presentable."
"Cleaning up my act. I'm gonna live forever why not spice it up at some points?"
"Sorry sir the pubs closed."
"God you sound so drab."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I should have said pathetic but I was nice and said drab."
"You need to leave!"
"Well shit. Is that anyway to treat someone you're looking for? Especially me!" I turn around and face them. "Like with how desperately you guys were looking for me or asking about me you would think there would be a little more respect when talking to me. Right Hawk?"
"He's kind of right."
"But as you said I need to leave. I just thought maybe you guys wanted to talk but that seems to be out of the question."
"Don't you dare exit that door."
"So now I'm not allowed to leave? You should really make up your mind this has to be bad for business."
"I have made up my mind! Stay. Why weren't you at your house?"
"I don't live there anymore. Some old couple bought it. I moved recently."
"Where are you now?"
"I'm not gonna say. Last time I told you guys it didn't end so well. I still don't forgive you guys by the way. I just got tired of staying at home."
"Do you and king-?"
"None of your business now is it? We've been down this road and like I said it didn't end so well. Seems like Elizabeth wasn't with you guys."
"She's in the room."
"Hm. So you two are sleeping together then. I had a feeling."
"Don't play dumb. It's obvious. Why else would she voluntarily sleep in your bed?"
"So we can't imply that you and King are a thing but it's okay for you to imply Elizabeth and I are completely fair game." I slam my fists on the table.
"I didn't imply that anyone you loved before her was a cover up now did I!"
"Exactly! And I'm not prying! I'm just stating a fact. She came to me complaining about how you were groping her! Why would she sleep in your bed if she wasn't sleeping with you! That's all I meant! God you assholes are aggravating."
"You were implying-!"
"IMPLYING! I wasn't prying I was IMPLYING! There is a difference. The implying would have been fine if you just left it at that but then you guys had to open your big fucking mouths and start prying and then tell me that I didn't love Elaine! I NEVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" King rushes in.
"Guess you found out what mood you're in."
"Are boss and Elizabeth sleeping together?"
"Yeah. They have been for a little bit."
"We weren't either!"
"You were though! I actually loved Elaine! You do realize you can fall for someone else of the same sex after your partner dies right? I just happened to fall for her brother!"
"Maybe this wasn't a good Idea Ban. Let's get you back home."
"So he can know where you live but we can't?"
"HE'S MY BOYFRIEND! You're not!"
"Guys seriously. Stop. He came here to talk not to start shit. Stop pissing him off and maybe you'll keep two sins instead of loose two."
"How would we loose two?"
"If Ban leaves I leave."
"Why? You are your own person."
"I'm not going to associate with people who piss him off and just don't listen to him when he's telling the truth. I won't stand by it."
"It's not our fault the mans as hormonal as a teen-."
"Finish that sentence and I am taking Ban and we are leaving. And we won't come back. Say it I dare you. If you actually want to fix this do it when he's calm."
"Fine. Stop by tomorrow around noon. We'll push everything aside."
"Sounds good." We leave.
"Finally what?"
"It's about time you actually agreed to talk to them."
"Hm." I kiss the top of his head. "Thanks Doll."
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you too."

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now