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Ban's p.o.v
"I know who it is." Hawk says cockily
"I know who this someone is." Hawk saws firmly.
"You do? Who?"
"You say a thing and I'll make you into bacon!"
"Hey king!"
"Where is everyone else?"
"Oh they are out."
"Then why are we here?"
"Booze." King rolls his eyes. "Hawk knows."
"Excuse me?"
"He figured it out."
"The others may be dumb but you both had hickeys on your neck the day after you took the other one home."
"Ban what are you drinking?"
"I don't believe you." I hold it out.
"Taste it." He takes a small sip and smiles. I smile back.
"So what else tipped you off?"
"How you two were acting towards each other. You two hated the fact that the other one was breathing the same air as you but now you're inviting each other home."
"So we are obvious."
"Well it's hard being away from you."
"You keep talking in that low voice and I'm going to have to take you home King."
"Keep those thoughts to yourself you leather wearing bafoon."
"You wanna know why I've been wearing this?"
"I have a feeling even if I said no you will still tell me."
"You're right. It hugs my body in all the right places."
"Ban! Shut up the group is coming."
"Oh shit!" I sit up and cross my legs to hide the damage of my dirty talk.
"Hey guys you're here early." Meliodas points out confused.
"No you guys are just late."
"And Ban's already into the booze."
"Actually no I'm not. I'm drinking water."
"I'm on this no booze kick for someone."
"This girl must be special."
"Yup." King fake gags. "What you damned fairy?"
"You're so sappy."
"What do you mean I'm sappy!"
"Ohhh I'm not drinking for someone I loveee ooooou I'm so in love." He gives a small wink.
"Am not!"
"Prove it then!"
"Fine you fucking fairy!"
"My name is king!"
"To address you by name is to give you power." I swap out my water for 'ale' and take a sip. He gives me a dumbfounded look. "I fucken told you!" He looks mad and slams the door as he leaves. 'Oh shit I guess that was a mistake.' I see him talking to Diane and laughing.
"Why can't you two get along?"
"He is a bitter bitch." King glances in and smiles.
"So try fixing things."
"Yeah no."
"But you guys were fine most of this past month or so. What happened?"
"We breathe the same air." They continue to question me. My fist hits the table with a bang and I leave.
"Where are you going?"
"You need someone to walk you? I'm assuming you finished the ale."
"No!" I slam the door and look for King.
"Did you finish the ale?"
"I didn't actually swap it."
"So why'd you leave?"
"They were bombarding me with questions and I don't really care about the stupid plan today."
"Why not?"
"I don't know. I just can't focus I guess."
"Man I hate that sometimes when I lose my focus I miss really important things and it pisses me off."
"Well you're the reason why."
"You heard me."
"Am I really?" I unlock my door and swing it open.
"Did I stop drinking for you?"
"Yeah." He says with blush covering his face.
"There is your answer Doll."
"You're so careful with what you say."
"I have my fears."
"You do?"
"Yeah I'm not all stone. I'm scared of people knowing I'm Bi because of what I've been through."
"I don't know how they would react. They could turn on me at any point." He looks a little fearful.
"I didn't know you thought about it. I thought you just didn't care."
"Why do you think I didn't correct them when they said girl. I'm really just a scared little bitch I always have been. I just hide it."
"You know I'll love you no matter what right?" I ask.
King's p.o.v
Ban opens the fridge and pulls out a can of pop. (I don't know if they have that but they do now soooo.) His face is blank as he stands there. I kiss his cheek and he grins.
"You make me feel... Good."
"What do you mean."
"I mean I feel good. I'm not blaming myself for once." Ban says calmly.
"I always thought if I stopped her she would have still been here."
"There is no stopping her. She was a good person." I wrap my arms around him nearly falling off of chastiefol.
"Careful doll."
"I know I know." He picks me up and holds me like a child. "Nothing?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like is today just a cuddle day?"
"Yeah." He walks over to the couch after grabbing chastiefol. He turns on the tv and cuddles me. "I love you King."

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now