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King's p.o.v
"Hey doll how uh are you?"
"Yeah? Cherry boy." Ban puts his hands on the back of his head an walks to the group. I go over and join them. "Nice to see you with the group doll."
"Doll? Is this to piss king off more?" He perks up.
"Have I been saying that this whole time?"
"Ban is right though King is like a tiny doll."
"We are all dolls to you Diane."
"Oh." Ban sticks his hands in his pockets. A look of panic shows up on his face.
"Oh. I forgot you had them. How bad was I?"
"I don't remember. I was plastered."
"Oh." The tension is so thick even Meliodas couldn't cut it with a full sword.
"So uh you left your keys at my place last night. They are still at my place I guess I forgot them."
"All is forgiven."
"Are you two okay?"
"Yeah. Still a little drunk on my part."
"Y-yeah." Memories from last night flash in my head. "Ban I'm going to get my keys."
"Wait up do- King."
"You call me doll again and I swear I will get Meliodas to screw you up!"
"Okay! Just let's go get your keys you damned fairy."
"Oh I forgot Chastiefol too."
"Oh yeah! I had to carry you."
"Yeah. I must get Chastiefol!"
"Doll slow down." He picks me up and goes to his place.
"Thanks." I unlock his door and see the mess we left last night.
"You know we could make this worse."
"What doll?"
"Quit calling me that!"
"Why? You are like my little doll." He pulls me to him and hugs me. "I mean if you want to be." He scratches the back of his neck. Still holding me to him.
"Chastiefol!" Ban let's me go.
"You done?"
"I have my keys. So yeah."
"Has the group not noticed?"
"No. Not from what I know of." He kisses my cheek.
"Hm. Oblivious. Room on there for two?"
"Hey doll."
"Can we stay here for a bit."
"Oh okay sure." I sit on the couch and he goes to his room. I wait patiently for Ban. I go check on him. His door is open just enough for me to see him.
"Oh fuck doll~ mmh." I cover my face with chastiefol and go down stairs. "King!" I feel his hand on my shoulder. "Please tell me you didn't see anything."
"I-." He grabs my hand.
"At least look at me."
"No." I feel him grab my hood and pull Chastiefol from me. "Ban! Give Chastiefol back!"
"Then look at me!" I squirm trying to get away. "If you get free from me you'll have to find a way to get Chastiefol."
"Then look at me you stuck up brat!" He is clearly annoyed.
"What?" I look him dead in the face. Blush is painting his cheeks a light pink. He kisses me. I return the sloppy kiss wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He pins me to a wall supporting me as he takes of my jacket kissing the sensitive parts causing my body to shudder when I feel his tongue touch my skin. I grip his hair as he inches close to my v-line. There is a knock on the door causing Ban run to his room holding me. He drops me on to his bed and pulls off my bottoms. He tosses them to the side. I feel his mouth around my dick. He rushes to take off his clothes and connects our lips for a sloppy make out as his hands explore my body. His hands rub my dick and grins into the kiss. He stops and lubes up. He slowly thrusts into me. I grab his arms and arch my back trying to keep quite. We hear Meliodas and Diane calling our names.
"Shhh." His finger meets my lips as he continues to thrust like a metronome. His pace is consistent but he gets rougher making it harder for me to keep quite. He leaves fresh hickeys in any place his lips land against my skin like jaw, neck, chest, shoulders, and other places. I let out a moan and Ban covers my mouth. I grip his arms holding back as many moans as I can.
"Already king? I thought you would last longer." He says as I cum on the two of us. He cums shortly after but continues. I become sore but it's still pleasureful.
"BAN!" His hands muffle my moan.
"Shhhh!" We finish up clean up and get dressed. We join the group out side.
"Sorry guys we couldn't find his stuff." Ban laughs as the group sighs.

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now