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King's p.o.v
I get Ban in his costume him protesting the entire time.
"Chill out Bee. Jeez you're protesting enough for an entire protest."
"Calm down please."
"I'm sorry!" I kiss his cheek. He's exhausted but every attempt to sleep has been a fail. "How you doing?"
"I'm still pissed but I'm so tired to the point my head is pounding."
"Have you tried again?"
"Yeah, last night. It didn't go well I just turned on the tv after a while. I Watched cooking shows and shit like that."
"You're not cooking. Not with that foot at least."
"I use my hands to cook."
"You're not putting pressure on it."
"No. Well find another way to get your energy low enough to reset your sleep schedule Bee. There all done. Mummified llama Ban!" He pulls me up towards his face.
"Do your friends hate me?"
"Nope. They get it. I was a bit apprehensive at first too I just expressed it differently."
"I literally told them to fuck off."
"That's just you. You'll get comfortable soon enough."
"I feel bad though. They are your friends. What if they don't want to visit you because I might be here?"
"Ban, they still want to come over. In fact they are coming around 8."
"Is that why you were decorating?"
"Yeah. We did a spooky party last year and we are doing it again this year. Just this time I'll have a partner as well."
"Excuse me?"
"Everyone brings their partners. This year I'll finally be able to 'bring' someone." He kisses my cheek and I run off to get the pizza
"It's almost 8 what are you doing food wise?"
"I ordered pizza and I do hide food from you."
"Glad to see you using those."
"I wouldn't be if I didn't live here I can tell you that much."
"Oh! Speaking of which. I moved the rest of your stuff over. Just look for the room with your couch and bed and that's your room for if you want alone time. Also your toys should be in there too."
"Why not in our room?"
"So you have a little something for your you time." I wink and he just chuckles. He sets the last of the things up just before his friends and their partners arrive.
"We brought a little bit of booze." Ban laughs.
"I have more then that and Quinny probably threw out most of it."
"Nope. I actually kept all of it. I just hid it."
"Really now?"
"You've got a booze sniffer find it. If you're will to walk."
"I look dumb with the crutches." I run to go grab the bag I filled with booze. Surprisingly mostly full bottles. A few half empty but that's the heavier alcohol.
"Here." I gently put it on the table.
"Holy shit! Where do you live a fucken bar!" Jonas seems surprised.
"Man I wish! No I'm just an alcoholic. Wait. King I can't drink I pro-."
"It's just one night. Since you've been clean so long you'll wake up with the worst hangover."
"You think it'll scare me away from booze? I've been so drunk I walked my ass to another fucking town and it wasn't even one I've been to before! I woke up in a hotel feeling like death had just ate my soul out of my ass!"
"But death doesn't eat souls."
"That's my point!"
"Damn. And you still drink?"
"Well until me and Quinny started dating yeah. That's just my routine. Wake up, have a drink with breakfast normally mixed with juice, watch TV while drinking, lunch with a few drinks, meet up with the group and drink more, come home, make dinner while drinking, eat dinner with you guessed it a few more, and finally just drink and- uh sleep..." I'm not sure if anyone actually knows what he does but they all look confused.
"So all you did was drink, eat, hang out, drink some more, then sleep? How did you and Harlequin even start dating then?"
"Well let's just say it all started with a few too many drinks and sex."
"Harlequin!" The group yells in unison.
"What! He couldn't get home on his own so I offered to take him home."
"And get in his pants?"
"That wasn't the original plan but that's how it ended. I also lied a little tinsey bit."
"How so?"
"I told him I was a virgin. But in my defence it turned him on!"
"In my defence."
"Sorry you say that a lot and it's something I can harmlessly mock."
"Imma mock your entire style then kink lord!"
"I'd like to see you try."
"I will!"
"Well why don't we get drinking! And eating of course." Everyone grabs their own bottle. Ban looks a little hesitant but grabs one anyway. We all down our drinks Ban looks tipsy already. Guess his no drinking did one hell of a thing for him.
"You okay bee?" I whisper in his ear. He nods slightly. "Okay." We play a few drinking games as the night progresses. Ban looks more and more drunk. His face is flushed, he's slurring, he can't even stand up with out wobbling.
"I'll be waiting downstairs for you. Hopefully you'll be as drunk as me~." He whispers lowly. He grabs his crutches and gets down stairs.
"Is he okay?"
"For an alcoholic he sure didn't handle the booze like we did."
"I've been dating him for about a year in a half so an alcoholic going with out booze for a year and a half will affect him in some way." We have a few more drinks until the group leaves. I go downstairs. I see Ban holding his mouth as he massages his dick. I don't think he heard or noticed me. Or he's just too drunk to care. "Beeee~." I strip from my costume. "I wore something special for you underneath." He perks up like a dog when you say walk.
"Ahhh shit that hurt."
"Careful my bee."
"Then come here I wanna touch you."
"Not yet."
"Kingggg." I can see his cock twitching with excitement. "I wanna touch you~." He rubs his cock while trying to hold it down. 
"You really wanna touch me?"
"Yes! Please King~!" I walk over too him and grab his hand. I make him touch my cock.
"You like it?" He nods. "You want it?"
"Yes please!" He goes to grip but I move his hand away. He whines like a needy bitch.
"Do you really?" He nods vigorously. "Hm prove it." I say forgetting his broken leg. "Wait never mind." I tie his hands to our bed frame so he can't touch me. I grab his favorite toy and lube it up. I tease him with it. He whines. I suck his balls making him moan like crazy. He tries fighting the restraints. "Bee. No fighting the restraints or you'll be in them longer." I run my hands up and down his body. "Now what to do with you?" His body quivers at my touch. He goes to move his foot but quickly regrets that decision.
"AHH! FUCK IT." I untie him quickly. He grabs at his foot crying.
"It fucking hurts! I just want to sleep!"
"Well I was trying to help but you moved you foot."
"I'm sorry."
"Hey! Don't-... and he's out."

King x Ban (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now