Fluff pt.2

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Ban's p.o.v
"Ooh someone goes by something fancy."
"It's my name?"
"Harlequin... I might call you Quinny now." Kings face turns into a mess of red blush both of annoyance and embarrassment.
"Don't! I don't like it Bee!"
"Bees are annoying so I'm gonna be annoying."
"Bee! Also when did you buy normal clothes?"
"You're still hung up on my clothes?"
"Well yeah! Have you seen yourself? I have never once seen you in a t-shirt and Jeans. I don't know who crawled up your ass and played Ratatouille but this isn't you."
"I needed a change. Yeah I like my other style but I need a little revamping. Also You're name's not king?"
"What? No!"
"You never told your boyfriend your name?" The one named Aizawa question.
"Well that's a long story."
"We're listening!" Malichai says like a teenage girl gossiping at a sleep over.
"Me and Ban never got along before all this... He was dating my sister. I don't really remember much of why I hated him. We just couldn't get along. I know I blamed him at one point for what happened to Elaine."
King's p.o.v
I see Bans face fall a little. He plays with his shirt fighting tears.
"It's kind of a heavy topic for us."
"What happened?" Ban face has completely dropped from his cheery smile he had painted on his face.
"She died." All my friends look like the feel bad as Ban gets up and goes to our room.
"Is he okay?"
"It may have been a while ago but it's still stuck with him." I worried listen for any noise from Ban. It sounds like he's putting stuff away.
"How long has it been?"
"A long time ago." I hear Ban yell fuck really loudly. I blush thinking of what he could have been doing. "I'll go check on him."
"You do that. At least if he's naked you'll be the one to see it." Jonas laughs. "And to be honest it's hard to tell what he was cursing out."
"I'll be right back. He might need a little talk..." I go to our room locking the door behind me.
"What King?"
"You need to talk about it?"
"I miss her."
"I do too. It's been hard without her but we've made it this far."
"I know it just the memories. I'm happy to have you as a boyfriend you're more my pace but it's just I was with her for so long and it's confusing."
"What was the fuck about?"
"I dropped something on my foot."
"Bee! Is it okay does it hurt to move? Did you even feel it or was it just shock?" He hisses in pain as he tries to move his foot.
"I definitely felt it." (I know the whole fountain of youth thing and Ban can't be injured but I'm just gonna say bone injuries are an exception.)
"So you can't move it?"
"All I felt was pain so no probably not." I grab Chastifol.
"Hold on to Chasti. I'll get you to George. He's a doctor he'll know what to do." I help him on so he's not putting any weight on his foot. He gets on Chasti but let's out a yell of pain when he puts too much pressure on it.
"Fuck that hurt." We get upstairs and join my friends.
"George you know bones right?"
"I do. What's up?"
"I was doing some cleaning downstairs to clam down and I dropped a bin on my foot."
"How heavy was it?"
"Does it hurt to move it?"
"It hurts to do anything with it."
"Bee! Quit being a smartass." He looks at me and laughs.
"You're funny Quinny."
"Don't call me Quinny or I'm gonna call you bany bee."
"Oh god." He laughs. "You call me that and I might have to baby talk you." George scans Bans foot. "Wait? How are you-?"
"You really think there isn't others like you and Harlequin?"
"Well I know there is I just thought I knew them all and I wasn't always immortal..."
"What do you mean you weren't always immortal?" Ban looks pissed at himself.
"I didn't say anything."
"Why do you seem so hostile."
"I don't like people."
"I mean I'm not technically 'people.'"
"You're close enough. You live and you breathe. You're people."
"Ban he's trying to help." He crosses his arms and looks annoyed.
"Does he not want the help?"
"Kinda but no."
"You're not speaking English again Harlequin." Aizawa points out.
"He doesn't like help but he's putting up with it because well we've been down that path of hurtful insults."
"How would hurtful insults get him to put up with this."
"I don't need him saying and I quote 'All you're good for is being a whiny little bitch who mopes around and blames himself for everything! Grow up! Not everything is about you!' Again."
"Again? Harlequin!"
"In my defence he did tell me to shut up and that all I was good for is sex."
"You two are horrible for eachother."
"No it's just that everyone is horrible for us."
"I'm still not talking to the group by the way."
"Yeah Meliodas was asking last time I went. 'How is Ban? Is he coming back? He won't talk to me.' Like no and no shit you guys bombarded him like you would with fucking kids who broke something."
"Tell him he can fuck a million donkeys and then maybe I'll think about even looking at the group." 
"What happened?"
"Ban doesn't like being put on the spot or people prying after he's said he doesn't want to talk or answer. Elizabeth decided to keep prying and insisting that he tell her the truth. He started getting pissed and telling her to leave eventually he got to the yelling point. The group knew where he lived so they came over. Elizabeth tried to play victim then the group all started prying about where I was, why he had my jacket, and our relationship."
"Oh private person?"
"I've never needed anyone to know anything in the past and I sure as hell don't need that now."
"There cast all finished I'll take it off when it's ready."
"When will that be?"
"When ever your foot heals."
"Fuck off then."
"What! I dont like people! We've been over this! I've been up ever since the Elizabeth thing and I just broke my foot!"

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