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Hi. After opening this app after like 2 years-more or less- I've noticed that I actually had chapter 14 written (mostly) and just sitting there. And so I decided to share it anyways because why not (plus it bothered me haha).
Can't believe how many nice messages I got because of this book. Thank you all and goodbye. ♥️

In Every FanFic...

1. 50% of covers has one of the One Direction members covered in blood.

30% has some random tumblr girl with a cheesy font line.

15% are actually related to the book

5% has no cover at all

2. *Harry spots me between the 10,000 other people and it was love at first sight.*

Picture on side.

3. "Niall Horan au"

Expect Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Eleanor, Paul, Sophia, Simon, Obama and Jesus in the story.

4. Because they are british, every sentence ends with love.

5. *description*

Hi I'm Katie, i'm 13, depressed and I self harm but then i meet one direction, and everything changes from there.

And Hi I'm Alma, I'm 18, annoyed and I'm throwing my laptop because of your shitty fanfic.

6. "WARNING 16+"

"We're out of carrots!1!"

*throws laptop from the window* *cries to death*

7. "Oh yeah Zayn you can totally come over. My dad's repairing the great wall of china and my mom's in Africa i think."

8. "Forbidden Love" a Niall Horan/Luke Hemmings Fanfic.


9. "I leaned over and our lips touch, a taste that was a mix of root beer and fried onions."

How much are you enjoying that kiss though?

10. "Definiteley, Definatley, Definitly, Defiantly"
What is it with people and the word "DEFINITELY".
Look it up and thank you.

11. When the title is the plot itself.

12. *dating Liam*
*fuck buddy with Zayn*
*having Harry's baby*

13. When the summary is a complete chapter or just the whole story itself. Lol

13. Harry or Zayn?

Don't worry she'll end up with Niall

14. *At the meet and greet*
*spots girl running and crying*
*Instantly gets off to check up on her and hold her in his arms*

15. "I stripped down my clothes, got into the shower, opened the hot water but at the same the cold water to get that perfect regulated mixture, then grabbed my anti-dandruff- for damaged hair- shampoo and squeezed a little on my hand. I rub my scalp with it inhaling the smell of jasmine and coconut milk. Then I rinse everything off after adding of course my conditioner, and close the water. Finally I get out of the shower and wrap a towel over my head and around my body."




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