Meditation For Personality Transformation (Part 2)

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Decide on a habit that you want to change e.g. impatience. We will focus this meditation on changing impatience. You can apply it to other habits also: 

I relax and prepare to look inwards…

I am aware of the unwanted habit of becoming impatient...

As I sit in meditation, I relax my body.

I become the observer of my own thoughts and feelings...

Realizing my true identity as soul – a subtle point of light situated at the center of my forehead, just above my eyebrows, I remember my real nature is one of calmness, peace and power...

I focus on the power of peace, inviting it in and welcoming it into my thoughts and feelings from deep within.... enjoying the calm contentment which it brings...

On the screen of my mind, I begin to visualize patience...

I see myself in a situation where I normally become impatient…

I now see myself as being completely full with the virtue of patience...

I shape my feelings around the idea and image of patience.... unhurried and relaxed... calm and watchful...

If necessary, I can wait... forever.... with patience

I am free of the desire for certain outcomes...

I see how I respond with patience... 

I see the effect of my patience in others within the situation...

I now know how I will speak with patience, walk with patience and act patiently in the real life situations...

I maintain this peace, which generates serenity and patience in me…


Message for the day 


To pay attention to every act is to be a hero. 

Expression: A hero actor is one who has great attention for every act of his. He makes sure that none of his words or actions are ordinary or waste. He ensures perfection in everything he does. This naturally brings the best out of him. 

Experience: Since I pay constant attention to everything I do, I find that I am able to give my best. I am then satisfied with whatever is happening since I know what I do is not as important as how well I do it. 

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