bad sex

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joeys pov

after I left the house I hopped in my car and made my way to lunas house, once I got there she opened the door wearing this sexy outfit, she pulled me in, pinned me against the wall and started to kiss me. I picked her up and started walking to her room, once we got in there I threw her on the bed and got on top of her, I started to kiss her neck leaving hickeys behind then she whispered in my ear " I want you in me now" 

I began pulled of her clothes then mine soonly after then lined my 8 at her entrance. I entered her slowly just in case it was her first time then started pumping in and out fasten my pace each time, her moans began to fill the room mine also, her acrylic nails digging into my back leaving marks. "im gonna cum" she moans, then I start going deeper into her, 2 minutes later she came. I felt myself getting close, my thrust started to get sloppy so I pulled out and came on her chest, im not about to have a kid. I get put my clothes on leave my number on the side but before I left I said "call me if u wanna fuck" then left 

once I got back home I saw annie and asher sleeping on the couch, I went up to them and screamed in their ears "ahh" they both screamed, I started laughing then annie gave me a death stare "joey,wtf is wrong with you" annie is not very happy, at all "morning to you to babe" she playfully rolls her eyes "sooo did you get laid" a big grin was plastered on her face "yes but she wasn't good at all I had to act then I gave her a fake phone number to call, dude she cant suck dick at all. talk about bad sex.

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