go suck a dick

875 8 5

sorry guys not for posting but im back now also I have made a new story to go check it out I might post another one after this xx enjoy

hayden's pov

after my nap I checked the time and it was 3pm so I decided to go over to annie's to go see my babbies

hayden arrives at the leblanc's house,he knocks

a-oh hey babe didn't know you where coming 

h-are you kidding I had to come see my pregnant girlfriend

a-haha ok come in imma start the vlog I only just woke up

h-haha same

vlogging in bold

a-hey guys good morning im with hayden right now and that's about it I really want food im craving chipotle so I might postmates that but other than that I might invite the gang over ; carson,kenzie,asher,christian and some others ill update if I do end up inviting them until then imma eat ok byee

h-you really are sexy you know

a-I look like an elephant

h-that's not what my boners saying heheh

a-I don't think your meant to have sex while your pregnant

h-yes you can its good for the baby...I think

a-I don't think so umm imma postmates some chipotle what do you want

h- umm a burrito with rice chicken and guacamole ill pay for us

a-no I will 

h-babe trust ill handle it

a-ugghh fine

h-imma invite the boys

groupchat pov

winterall-yoo wanna pull through

carcar-yeh ok be there in 5

holybook-bet imma pull through

ashyknees-yeh ok I wanna know how lil hannie is doing

winterall-ight bet see ya soon

end of pov

h-baby do you want me to invite the girls 

a-umm just anna lilia and will plz

h-will isn't a girl tho


h-no mam

hayden invited annie's friends over

5 minutes later someone knocks on the door

h-oh hey Christian come on in everyone else should be he--

the doorbell ring

h-speak of the devils

h-yooo wassup car,ashyknees come one in

2 minutes the door goes AGAIN 

h-hey you lot annie is upstairs in our room

l-ok thx




annie's pov

I was in bed waiting for my postmates to come when I hear a know on the room door

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