hoesph get someeee

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annies pov

later wafter me and asher ha-- you know we fell asleep then I woke up and snuck away cuz im hungry as i dont even know i go downstairs to see joey sitting on the kitchen counter "heyyy jojo" i said "hey babygirl, you and asher are louuddd" 

a/n when joey calls annie a couple name or annie calls joey bubba or something its in a sibling way 

"sorry dude but I guess asher was horny" "can you help me find a girlfriend" he asks "sure bubba, have anyone in mind" "i mean this girl called luna, she is fine as fuckkkkkkkkk" "go one hoseph get some, go see her dude slip in that 8 inch, start of as fuck buddies or some shit then work your way from there" "this is why your my non biological sibling" he laughs. i eat food then run upstairs and wake up asher, a few seconds later he wakes up then i change in to ashers yellow adidas joggers and his hoodie merch. i go back downstairs and sit on joeys lap in a brother sister way and watch sponge bob. later ash comes down then i go sit on his lap, joey was just my temporary chair "lets go something fun while the suns still up" i say " threesome" joey and asher say at the same time "maybe one day when im drunk" i giggle " poo i have to go pick up luna" "ok have fun and use protection" i yell " hoesph balem is about to get laidddddd" he yells before exiting the house "babe im bored" i say "wanna nap" he replies " yeh sure why not " and with that we fall asleep

imma stop it hear, im running out of ideas here please help me out

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