wont you always be my boooo oh my oh my oh my ohh my booo

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i laid my head on joeys chest breathing heavily, I look up at him and admire his beautiful features " you've got some big dick joseph" I said finally "oh really, I could be all yours babygirl" he said smirking

that fucking smirk, he really is trying to kill me 

"is that so, well then hoey, will you be my booooooo" i said still looking at my potential boyfriend "i would love too girlfriend" he says connecting our lips together, i filp us over deepening the kiss "ok  ok no more sex" i say disconnecting our kiss "why bby, i know you want this dick" he says giggling

i kiss him "as much as i would absolutely love to im really tired and extremely hungry, before you say it not hungry for your dick" i said smiling at my boyfriend  "come on baby, lets go downstairs" i say getting up only realising now im naked "can i borrow a shirt babe" i say putting on a pair of panties

"of course mi amore" he says passing my his burberry top "this is so fucking big on me " i said  "cuz your fucking tiny" he says picking my up and holding me by my ass "your nipple peircings are poking me " he says walking down the stairs with me and placing me on the kithcen island standing in between my thighs " your so beautiful annie"

if there is any mistakes im sorry cba checking bye luvs


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