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ashers pov 

since we found out annie was pregnant she has been craving a lot of things and sex not like normal sex like rough hard sex but I put a stop to it im scared my huuugeeeee peepee might hurt the baby

"babbbbeeee" this is the 12th time she has called in the past half hour she is only a few weeks pregnant cant she go to the shop on her ownn

I do that thing you do when your mom calls you after you just sat down yeh that " yeh" I yell "can u get my cheetos and mustard" the fuck "no" I reply " fine" I then order myself chick- fil- a cuz ya boy gotta eat

im taking time of doing my shazam things cuz obviously I have a pregnant girlfriend and I how to cater for her every need

even tho I just said no to her *ping* oh jack is calling

jack is in bold

yoo wassup babes

shut you little shit


nm u

just order a shit ton of chick-fil-a

im on my way


im on my way no questions

oh one more thing


annie is pregnant


shhhhh my earlobes

ok anyway im coming go unlock the front door byyeeee


end of pov

"babyyy jack is comingg over" i yell oh annie is downstairs btw "ok, can u come cuddle me" i walk downstairs and hop on the couch next to annie " have you though of any baby names" she asks "yeh if its a boy i wanna call it roman or tyrese or something"


i go to the door and its my fooooddd i take and put on the kitchen island later jack walks through the door grabs food and walk to the couch and starts eating

new chap might come soon

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