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me and hayden were talking and then he brought up kids

"I really wanna have a kid ya know" I said, its true, I really want a kid

"talk to asher about it im sure he'll agree" he said

so I got up and made my way over to me and asher's room

"yooo wassup bitchass" I screamed

he got scared


"baby don't fuckin do that I nearly shat myself, what can I help you with" he's so cute

"we need to talk" his face dropped "its not bad, I think"

"what is it, please don't break up with me, im sorry I farted on your pillow I was upset you took my chicken nuggets I wont do it again"

did he just...

"the fuck, im not breaking up with you, you crack head and why the fuck would you fart on my pillow, are you high"

I cannot believe this chode "anyway I was going to say that... I wanna have a baby"

he smiled "you gotta be kidding my right, is this a prank" he started jumping around "Ive been wanting to have a baby with you for ages dooooooood"

"well I guess we need to make a baby then don't we" I smirked

"yes fucking please"

annnndddd then we done the special dance you do to make a baby

months later

I haven't been feeling well at all, shit, I missed my period. all of a suuden my stomach starts furiously growly, I jump up and run to the bathroom and throw up, once I finished I brushed my teeth and raided Kenzie's bathroom cabinet, bingo, pregnancy tests

I pee on the stick then wait for the results


tune in to the next chapter


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