santa baby

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annie's pov

ok ok ik its like legit nowhere near Christmas... buttttt I have nothing better to do than put up Christmas decoration and scream Christmas songs at the top of my lung 

in saying that I change into some comfy muhfuckin clothes wake up the whole household and then run to my tesla and make my way to target (my babydaddy) 

once I get in there I grab all the cute aesthetic Christmas shit and pay and get back home, once I got inside I scream "bitches I am back" they all come running downstairs  "what did u get" asher asked "Christmas décor" they all growned "im ordering food im gonna die of starvation" Kenzie said. I decided to order pizza cuz im craving it idk y, I ordered like 5 different large pizza cuz I bet everyone will ask for my pizza even tho they have their own food coming smh.

joey's pov

ik this is really fucking bad, like really fucking bad but Im starting to like annie... ik its bad right and I don't want to split her and asher apart cuz she looks really happy w him and I don't know what to do

asher's pov

ok this is bad but im loosing feeling for annie, ik she is pregnant but I just feel like we r drifting apart.

3weeks later

annie's pov

I woke up to really bad stomach pain but im nowhere near having the kid, I stand up and blood comes rushing down my legs "AAHHHHHH"  I screamed in pain, asher wakes up " whats wrong annie" she says with his morning voice "w--e ne-ed t--o go to t-h-e  h-osp-tal"  I manage to get out " he jumped up and see all the blood, his face drops 

asher's pov

no no no no no no fucking way, I already know what has happened, ik I was gonna break up w annie but I need to stay w her now, I haven't cheated on her or anything, so that is good but my feeling for her will come back

I pick annie up and run to the car, I  set her down gently and close the door, I run to my side of the car and get in, start up the car and speed out of our neighbourhood, we reach security cuz we boojie af

we pass security and speed off to the hospital

4 hours later

annie's pov 

I had a miscarriage, I really cant believe it, we left the hospital and headed home, I just walked through the door walked upstairs and into joeys room he looked at me and saw I was upset, he opened his arms and I straddled him and cried 

joey's pov 

"whats wrong babygirl" is said, btw we call each other couple names

"I had a miscarriage" she sobbed, my heart dropped, I embraced her in a tighter hug and kissed her forehead  after a while she fell asleep

I think im in love w this girl

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