im not fucking jealous

615 7 0

annie's pov

me and the girls are chilling by the pool when all the boys call us inside



h-I have a girlfriend

a-are they nice cuz if they are rude they are not stepping foot in my establishment

h-well she is  a little bit snappy but you will get used to it

a-do I know them

h-uhhh yeh

all-who is it

h- ok its mia

a-oh for fuck sake not her she is not stepping foot near this house because before you know it she will be moving in next door, hayden plzzzz do not bring her here I beg you plz dont

h-fine I wont but I we get serious she is gonna move in

a-nooo she can live in the pool house farrr away from plz thank you very much

h- ok well im of to see her see you yall later

hayden leaves

c-annie you seem jealous 

a-im not fucking jealous Im over the moon for hayden he has finally moved on but mia

an-yeh I really don't like mia

w-she is a fucking tight git

ash-whats a tight git

w-its a very rude mean horrid person


a-I wanna lie down im soo tired 

really short its late and im tired 

I made this on Friday 22nd march 2019

word counnnnntttt 196

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