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joey's pov

morning bitches I've have decided to vlog my day but i haven't picked up the camera yet but I promise ill get to it 

 vlogging in bold

inner thoughts in normal 

morning guys its joey right now its 9:10 am which is pretty early ngl Annie is still sleeping imma leave her for like 15 more mins then I'm gonna wake her up ill see u in 15 

15 mins later

ok the last time I saw u guys I was in bed and if u can see I'm no longer in bed, i think I'm turning into an idiot if I'm being fully honest, anyway, I'm gonna wake up my gorgeous girlfriend "anns" I say shaking, she ignores me hold on guys let me set you up I set the camera up then jump on Annie "baby wake up" I say riding her like a horse "babe, I'm up I'm up get off u fatty" she says  "damn babe morning breath " I say getting off her "I'm vlogging are you proud mami" I say massaging her ass "I'm always proud of you daddy" then I realised that we were still filming I pick up the camera "ok guys my and Annie are gonna shower and get ready for the day and we'll be back in a bit" 

" come on wifey lets go brush your teeth and shower, because you fucking stink " I say picking her up and walking to the bathroom 

Annie's pov 

I woke up to a fat guy on me then he says I stink does he want me to headbutt him jk he is my sexy man "what are we going to do today babes" I say " I dont know honey what do you want to do" he say running the shower "are you thinking what im thinking" he say grabbing me boobs "shower sex?" i saying "ding ding ding we have a winner" 

and the rest is history 

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