Untitled Part 23

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joeys pov

annie got her period and has been so moody lately like if I ask her if she's hungry she punches me, if I try kiss and cuddle her she slaps me or kicks me in the dick like wtf

"baby" I call out, and annie ignores me so I go upstairs to find her in my room cuddled all up in my bed sheets, " babygirl whats wrong" I say worried, " period cramps" she whimpers ohhh, I got to give her a kiss and she kicked me in the dick again "ahhhhh" I scream tears falling out my eyes, I get up off the floor and go to the bathroom in my room and check I Rodrigo is ok "im bruised" I say to my self, I pull up my pants and walk right back into my room " bubb-" I cut annie off, "oh fuck off annie" I say walking out my room

ohhhh trouble in paradise 


schools back tomoz... shoot me in the head plz

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