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asher's pov

I woke up way to early in the morning it was like 11am and annie was fast asleep right next to me , you know I realllllllyyyyyy need to  pee





ash-jullianna grace leblanc angel 


ash-I need to pee

a-oh sorry

annie moves her hand and goes back to sleep 

I end up getting to pee and then I hear a bunch of yelling

ash- o my lord

I walk downstairs to see johnny and hayden wrestling


the both look up at me

ash-what the fuck are you doing your gonna wake up everybody

j-he cheating in fornite 

h-no im fu--


ash-ohhhh now you have woken up annie


ash-coming babe

I blot up stairs to see what annie needs

ash- whats wrong what do you need are you hurt and you in pain did you sleep wel--

a-bubba im fine I just thought you weren't here I was just checking

ash-lets start the vlog

vlogging in bold

ashv-GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD morning ashannies today we are probably gonna have a movie day at the cribbo just chill with the gang 

a-ohhhh babe can we all like put our phones away in like a box thingy and just like go outside and swim or tan or go shopping or something productive me and the girls were talking about it but we never got round to doing it 

ash-yeh sure why not sounds good umm we imma call my family real quick and see how they are soo ill update yall later byeee

okkk guys imma be pre writing so I can really take suggestions or if your quick enough dm me and give me some ideas of what you wants to see because im writing this for the enjoyment of ashannie and or hannie shippers sooo see ya in a few

ohhh also most of these are going to be short but if you want them longer plzz let me know soo I can clear time to make at least 700 words each love ya byeee

word count 319

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