Chapter One: The Meeting Pt. 1

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It was a normal day just like any other one for Kassie. She just arrived to her spacious, corner block office.

She is one of the most sought-after event planners in the south. Right now, she has a local office in Southlake, Texas, where she meets with her potential clients and business partners.

Placing her brief case on her glass desk, Kassie sits down in her modern white desk chair.

Lately, she has been having this feeling of hollowness. Not when it comes to her work, but more of her personal life. Her new business has been keeping her busy.

As a result, her social life has suffered somewhat. She rarely has time to hang out with her girlfriends.

Especially on the weekends when they are all free. Her best-friend Amber has been working on getting the woman out.

Since her break-up with Anthony, she has been pouring all her time in event planning.

Starting up her MacBook Pro, she glances at the screensaver and smile lightly. The picture is of her favorite singer, Jo.

Kassie has been a fan of Jo's since she was a little girl. Of course, the singer is about 20 years older than her, but the woman has a special place in the event planners' heart.

Her music has helped her in times of self-doubt. When she was going through her discovery stage; trying to figure out who and what she is.

Kassie also discovered that she had a bad-ass side. A side where she goes after what she wants and doesn't take no for an answer.

Not to mention the singer's secular songs has helped Jo reveal her sexy and dominate side. She knows what she wants and how to command when in the bedroom.

All thanks to the Icon, Jo. The woman has been an upstanding motivator, mentor and advocate to young girls, boys, women and men of all colors, all around the world.

Speaking of the Grammy Award-winning singer, Kassie's phone lets out a loud ding.

Picking up her device, she receives an Instagram notification that the singer just posted a video.

She wipes the badge across the screen and places her thumb on the home button to unlock it.

The Instagram app instantly starts, and Jo's post pops up on her screen. The singer was announcing a brand new, and her very first, Residency in Las Vegas this summer.

Kassie literally jumps out of her seat and begin to scream. Her Assistant and best-friend Amber runs into the room.

"Kas, are you okay? What's wrong?" she asks with concern.

"Jo is having a Residency in Las Vegas this summer, Amber!" Kassie sings out happily.

She runs and jumps in her friends arms excitedly.

Amber instantly wraps her arms around her friend's body.

Both women are jumping up and down and celebrating the apparent good news.

Settling down a few moments later, Amber speaks up.

"Okay so we have to get tickets to a couple of shows. When do they go on sale?" the red head asks.

"Umm, they go on sale in a few days." Kassie reads.

"Wait, there's a pre-sale for her fans that opens up tomorrow at 10 A.M.!!!" the event planner happily shouts.

"Okay so I'll call all of the girls tonight and see who all wants to come, which I'm sure they all do, and we can purchase the tickets in the morning!"

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