Chapter 1

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 On a dark night, the moon was shining on the pond's water as it moved slowly. Near the water we see Big the Cat and his frog friend Froggy asleep under a tree, with his fishing pole was in the pond. He is suddenly roused by the sound of an alarm coming from Dr. Eggman's base, which is not too far away. The tower's floodlights switch on, and several E-30 Laser Tanks make moves to protect the base from a shadowed figure that ran super fast towards the base trying to make it through without letting go of whoever was in his arms. Then the robots were getting ready to fire at the intruders who were not just shadow figures but were the Royal hedgehogs of Mobotropolis, they are named Sonic, Sonia, and Manic. While they were dodging robots Sonia screams at Sonic in panic "Sonic! Hurry, we don't know what Eggman is going to do to Cookies&Cream" Manic adds in "As well as the evil plot" Sonic huffs running away from a robot "I know guys, but I need to get away from these robots first" Sonia looks ahead of where they were running and saw a spring and panics "Sonic! Watch out for the...." They all spring into the air while Sonia is screaming "Spring!!!"

"SONIC!" Tails screamed from the X Tornado. The robot acknowledges the plane and starts to shoot at it, making Amy scream in shock. Amy looks at the side of the plane to see fire coming out of it "Tails! The plane is on fire!" then she looks at him "What are we going to do?" Tails turned around to face Amy "We are going to save Sonic and his Siblings" then he pulls a lever making something come out turning it into a power ring. It makes it towards Sonic and he grabs it making a huge surge of light and power where he was and grabbed Sonia and Manic. They were destroying everything in their path towards Eggman's base and then ended up inside of the base by breaking a glass window. The X Tornado landed on the ground nicely but is having difficulty stopping making Tails scream "Hang on Amy!" Amy looks up then screams in fright, they were heading towards a huge boulder. Amy, scared for her life, screams "We're going to crash!" "I know!" Tails screamed the obvious. Then out of nowhere the boulder breaks into pieces letting Tails stop the X Tornado safely. Tails looked up and gasped happily "Knuckles!" Knuckles looks at them and then looks towards Eggman's base unamused making Amy look at him weirdly "What's up with him?" Knuckles sighs "Overkill just like always" Meanwhile, inside the base, all the doors are shutting down into lockdown. Deco turns his head towards Eggman "Dr. Eggman the facility is 100 percent lockdown" "Why does that cursed Sonic and his meddling Siblings always get in my way" Eggman growled.

"They don't get in your way, Dr. Eggman. Sonic and his Siblings try to stop you from doing all the bad things you like to do." "Yeah! And once they get here you'll be sorry" "Chao Chao" said the twin sisters Cream and Cookie along with their special chao friends Cheese and Bubblegum. "Oh, is that so? Well, they're too late to stop me! When I insert the last Chaos Emerald, my energy amplifier will be invincible!" Eggman explained as he held a red Chaos Emerald. Cookie gasps while Cream exclaims "But you can't do that!" "Chao-Chao-Chao!" Cheese agreed as well. "That's right; Sonic and his Siblings won't let you get away with this!" Cookie said Confidently. Eggman laughs maniacally "You're wrong, Cookies&Cream!" then he laughs again while Rouge the bat was watching the scenario from above. "None of them can sto-! Ugh?" Eggman was cut off when he heard something smash through the main room doors. It was none other than the Royal triplets. Cookies&Cream gasps happily "Sonic! Sonia! Manic!" "Cookies&Cream! Cheese and Bubblegum!" Sonia and Manic exclaimed happily seeing them all okay. Eggman fake upset "Sonic... Too late!" he quickly inputs buttons and holds out a connecting rod with a button on it. "Y'all never stop me now, Sonic! Ho, ho, ho! All I have to do is to push this little button!" He laughs again while Sonic smiles "Yeah! If you push it before we grab it"

Then an E-13 Guardbot appeared behind them. Eggman smirks "Why don't y'all give it a try?" Manic chuckles "If you say so, dude!" then they all dodged the fires from Guardbot. "Don't let them get away!" Eggman ordered while the gunfire nearly hitting Rouge. "Stop them, no matter what!" Eggman said while Sonic jumped in front of him while the robot focused on the targets. "Ahh! No! Hold your fire!" Eggman said with a panicked voice. He dodges the gunfire then pressing the button in the process. "HAH! HERE WE GO!" Then he turns to the machine, suddenly realizing it has been critically damaged by the Guardbot's gunfire. "What the...?! It's broken!" Eggman asked in shock. Outside where Amy, Tails, and Knuckles were Life, Lilly, and Anthony teleported by to see what's wrong, only to see Chaos Control coming towards them. Lilly holds onto Life's arm and freaks out "Life?" Amy blinks in shock "What is that?" Knuckles replies arms crossed "It used to be Chaos Control" Anthony screamed before they disappeared "WHAT DO YOU MEAN USED TO BE!" After that was all over, Sonic, Sonia, and Manic with their eyes closed lies in the middle of what seems like a pitch-black background. Their eyes began to open slowly and they sat up and shook their heads.

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