Chapter 2

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In the morning at the Thorndyke Mansion, Chris was on the phone with his mother Lindsey Thorndyke, and Sonic and his siblings were watching from the roof. "Oh, this picture has been a disaster, darling! A complete disaster! We've had to stop shooting because there's been torrential rain for days, so there's nothing I can do besides sit and wait." Lindsey explained. "I don't think I'll be back 'till late next week at the earliest. But, I had plenty of time to go shopping and I'm having lots of presents that I hope you, like them all. They're coming on daddy's jet so, you should have them tonight!" Lindsey said to Chris. "Thanks, mom." Chris said to her then remembered something "Oh mom, I got some new friends and was wondering if it was okay for them to stay over? You see they technically don't have a place to stay and I was wondering if it was okay for them to stay till they find a place for their own." Lindsey replies "Of course they can sweetie! I don't mind as long as they behave themselves" Chris smiles "Thanks, mom!" "You're welcome, Oh darling I must run. Kiss mummy goodbye." Lindsey said and he made kissing sounds. "Ciao, sweetheart," Lindsey said and he hangs up the phone and Chris looked at the Royal triplets, which they jumped from the roof and on the balcony and Sonic jumped on the rails of the balcony. Sonia says shocked "You're going to let us stay?" Chris smiles "Well yeah... I know it's going to be hard for you guys to find a place to be in and stay away from the police."

Manic smiles "Thanks, dude!" Sonic nods then winked in appreciation. "That reminds me! Where and when did y'all learn how to talk?" Chris asked them "Good question. Unfortunately, we don't have a very good answer, because we can't remember."  Sonic responded as he scratched the side of his head. Then, the phone rings again Chris picked it up. "Uh, hello?" he asked. "Chris! I just heard that you made new friends and they are staying over until further notice," said Nelson Thorndyke Chris's father. "Hey Dad, how are you?" Chris asked happily. "I'm fine but your mother called and told me that you made new friends and I just had to call to make sure" Chris smiles "Yeah they are really nice" "That's wonderful err listen, Chris. I've got an important meeting to go to. Call me anytime if you need anything and have fun!" Nelson asked him. "Okay, dad" Chris responded."Good. Take care of yourself and I'll see you soon." Nelson said to him. "Okay, dad! See you soon." Chris said and he hangs up the phone and turn to them and saw them blink. Chris lightly chuckles. "I almost forgot, you all must be pretty hungry. I was thinking y'all might like to have something to eat." Chris said as he looked at them. "Mmm. Yeah, I guess we could go for something to eat." Manic responded as he rubbed his stomach. "Sure. What's on the menu?" Sonia asked curiously. "Well, what do you guys eat? I don't want to give you something you wouldn't like" Sonic smiles "Do you have any chili dogs?" Sonia scoffs "SONIC! Don't be rude!" Chris laughs "It's alright Sonia. Yes, I do, what about you two?" Manic shrugs "I'll eat some chili dogs... just not too spicy on mine" "Tofu dog for me thank you," Sonia said politely Chris smiles "Alright it's on its way!" with that he went inside leaving them alone.

(Sonic X theme song played)

"The supersonic Speed Team and seen here on police helicopter video has the city fanciful." Scarlet Garcia reported. "They were about this high, they were blue, Fuschia pink, and green and they were like freaks!" One of the police officers described. "I was doing about 60 when these things went "Wooo", right by me!" One of the citizens explained what he saw. "Those things moved too fast to be regular animals!" The other citizens said. "As to the question whether these UMAs, Unidentified Mutant Animals, it is positively not. Even the cheetah, which is widely believed to be the fastest member of the animal kingdom, can not out-run a speeding Formula-One police car. Because of these "things", the inescapable conclusion, one must inevitably come to, is that these so-called "Hedgehogs" are a reality of machine." Dr. Kal Narasu explained. The triplets were eating their food while Chris frowned at them. "There you are! Guess what?! A blue, Fuschia pink, and green hedgehogs out-ran the S-Team yesterday!" Chuck exclaimed. He was Chris's grandfather. "Duh... Um..." All Chris said to him as Chuck looked at the triplets with a shocked look and stared at Sonic really close up.

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