Chapter 2 (being gossip girl can cause a riot)

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We entered the school and it was so different to high school.

So like I promised i'd catch you up on everything that happened over the summer and I will get to that but I wish to tell you how my day went first of all.

We entered the tall building and it was much bigger than high school. There were four main buildings and a large open area for kids to socialise. I knew there was a common room because Ella had filled me in on the basic lay out of the school. There was a building for maths, science and english. Then the other three were for subjects like history, geography, art and drama.

We walked through the front doors and were greeted by hundereds of kids running back and forth, chatting, laughing and gossiping. I glanced towards my friends to see them watching the scene. We were greeted by an overly peepy girl who smiled at us and welcomed us because it was probably obvious we were first years. She led us with a group of other students to this large cafeteria, five teachers were sat on five different tables. We were told to get in lines according to our last names. Because i'm Thirlwall I lined up by myself along with a group of other kids.

I spotted that young boy from earlier, he was stood behind Perrie. I didn't know why he was here but he was talking to his frined who also looked really young. They looked about 13 and 15. It was quiet strange to see them compared to the other kids here. They were so small compared to everyone else. They looked like they would easily be crushed in a large ocean of people.

I recieved my time table and thanked the woman who handed it to me. I met up with Perrie because Leigh and Jesy had decided to take their bags to the room and they'd offered to take ours. We were sat on a table in cafeteria, I saw Louis and Harry sat on a table and Louis seemed so much smaller and I knew exactly why. I knew he was a dick and why he was so desperate for Iggy last year. I wasn't that close to him but in this moment I just wanted to hug him.

I saw the two small boys sat on a table, I saw the girl with the blonde shaved head and the girl with the amzing cheek bone sitting and then they were joined by their frineds.

I had also spotted Iggy talking to one of the girls I'd seen this morning. It was the girl with blonde and brown curly hair, the one with the tanned skin. I saw Iggy point over to me and Perrie and this girl and Iggy began to walk over to us. Iggy smiled and sat down and so did this girl.

"Hey guys" she said in her Australian accent "this is Rita, Rita Ora"

"Hi" she smilied.

"Hi Rita, I'm Jade and this is Perrie" I said gesturing to my pink haired friend.

"Hi" smiled Perrie.

We began talking until Jesy and Leigh walked over. We introduced them to Rita and they said hi. Iggy and Rita seemed to have a lot in common. They left us to find the toilet and we began talking about what happened over the summer holiday. Perrie told us how Zayn and her had a summer love. Leigh told us how how she had to move. Jesy told us how she met up with Zendaya and they'd been at this party and a song got stuck on replay. I saw Leigh tense but I shared my story of how I was out with Cher and some playa boi hit on us both at the same time and Cher threw a drink on his head and he kicked up a riot.

Now that we've caught up on summer I guess I should fill you guys in.

Well as you can probaly tell Zayn and Perrie are going strong and as much as I don't wish to admitt it they are pretty cute together. Sadly it's not the same for Leigh and Calum. They broke up, Leigh said it was because their relationship was to much like a competition and she just couldn't put up with it anymore. Anyway Remi as Cher called it never happned, but I can tell you for a fact that they are good friends. All the Lynch's are now single because Rocky dumped Lauren. I heard rumors that Ross was dating this chick called Laura but when I asked Rydel about it she said they were just friends. I can tell you Ratliff is currently dating a girl called Kelly so I guess Rydel was right about Ryllington.

Ally and Bella never got back together, after they broke up they didn't really speak after that. I think Bella deserves someone better than Ally. I hope she finds soemone good enough for her at Sony collage. I haven't actually heard much about Zendaya but I know Taylor and Rocky have been close but I don't think anything will happen between them. Ariana and Iggy went on holiday together. Iggy was going home over the holiday and asked Ariana to go with her. I saw a bunch of photo's on facebook and they looked like they were having so much fun. I hadn't seen Ariana since last year and I hope she's doing good.

Zayn, Harry, Liam and Niall had been really supportive of Louis. Louis had recently admitted to being gay and was struggling with coming out. He seemed to be smaller and quieter now. I felt bad for him and really wanted to hug him, my heart went out for him. I now know why Louis wanted to be with Iggy so much. He had wanted to hide it or try and change the way he felt. Zayn had told Perrie all this and she had told us. She'd told us that it was a sensitive subject for Louis and if we are talking to him just not to bring it up.

So i have know caught you up with everything, I don't think I've missed anything out but if I have I will catch you up on it when I remember it.

Oh, I feel like gossip girl tell you all this.

xoxo Jade Thirlwall

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