Chapter 5 (Fuck Love coz i'm a Blonde)

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Class ended and I stood up to gather my books. I had walked with Charlie and Leo, which I had learnt Leondre preferred to be called, to my locker. I had said goodbye to my new friends and was cramming books in my locker when I noticed that Brad kid staring at Cher and Becky as they walked down the corridor. Ooo I think Cher has an admirer.

Becky and Cher walked passed by. All of a sudden a pair off hands went on my shoulders causing me to jump. I spun around and saw a smiling Iggy. I playfully glared at her.

I pointed to Brad who was with his friend Connor. Iggy followed my hand and looked at them. She raised her eyebrows.

"You know Brad?" I questioned.

She shrugged and said "the blonde one".

I shook my head "no the other one, the one that looks like he has a face of a 14 year old".

This caused Iggy to laugh "ye what about him?" she questioned.

"I think he had a crush on Cher" I whispered.

Iggy made a disgusted face "oh Jade you know what I say about love?"

"No" I said.

"My motto is fuck love give me diamonds"

"Oh youv'e just never been in love" I said swaying slightly.

"And you have" she said.

"Fair enough but I've seen a lot of films" I said.

"Ok" she said "well I got to go me and Rita are going exploring"

"Ok" I said wondering off to find Jesy, Perrie and Leigh Ann.

I found them all sat around a table. I sat down next to Leigh Ann opposite Perrie who was next to Jesy.

"How was maths" I asked.

"As great as maths can be" said Perrie "what about science?"

"Well, I made two new friends" I said proud if myself for talking to people even if they were like two or three years younger than me.

"Oh we've been replaced" pouted Perrie childishly.

"I'll make you believe that" I said smiling.

We all began talking about girl stuff until Jesy decided she was going to get food. So she stood up and went to the line.

I saw Camilla talking to Miley or Molly or something like that and Miley gestured to her friends. Camilla lifted one finger indicating she would be a minute, she then walked back over to her friends said a couple words then walked over to where Miley, Dove, Bridget and Selena were sitting.

The rest of her friends Lauren and that lot stood on the other side of the cafeteria watching as this happened.

Did Camilla just ditch her friends?

The things some people will do for popularity.

Lauren, Dinah, Normani and Ally left the cafeteria swiftly after that.

I turned back to my friends.

We contiued talking until we heard a loud crash. All three of our heads turned at the same time. We saw Jesy stood in front of Bridget with a shocked expression on her face. Bridget stood there covered in Jesy's food.

"I'm so sorry, i'm so sorry, sorry, sorry,sorry" said Jesy over and over again.

I saw Miley, Selena and Dove get up and walk over to the scene with Camilla following them. No, no, no,no. Jesy looked kind of scared but still didn't stop appologising. We stood up and walked over to the scene.

"What the hell?" yelled Miley "What do you think your doing?"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you" said Jesy appologetically.

"It's fine" said Bridget as tho her mind were somewhere else. Which it probably was, she wasn't very bright.

"No, it's not" snapped Miley

"But she said..." said Perrie sticking up for her friend.

"I don't care what she said no one spills their food on any of my friends and get's away with it" said Miley getting angry.

"Honestly it's ok" said Bridget "It was probably my fault. You know I'm a blonde and all"

"No it's not ok" said Miley looking at her friend and then turning back to Jesy "watch your back".

She then motioned for all four girls to follow her out of the cafeteria. The rest of the cafeteria were silent and Jesy had gone bright red.

"Let's go" whispered Leigh Ann.

All four of us quickly exited the cafeteria.

We went to our room and Jesy was panicking. All of our stuff was already there so that was fine. We all began unpacking. My bed was nextto Leigh Ann's and opposite Jesy's who's was next to Perrie's. I opened my suietcase and began throwing things in my wardrobe and drawers. Perrie, Jesy and Leigh Ann were doing the same.

We all finished unpacking. We had looked at our schedules and worked out that we had no more classes so we decided to talk about some stuff.

"soooooooooooooooo" said Perrie dragging out the o.

"What?" I questioned

"Leigh" said Perrie

"Yes" said Leigh a little nervous.

"Will you tell us why Calum and you broke up?" asked Perrie leaning over to our frined.

"I told you we argued a lot. Our relationship was to much of a competion, ye he was a gentelman but he liked an argument" said Leigh.

"Ye but you are lying" sing songed Perrie.

"What um no um i'm definatly not" stuttered Leigh Ann.

"OMG you are lying" said Jesy jumping across the bed and onto Leigh's bed

I quickly stood up and sat down on the bed as well.

"Please" begged Perrie

"No" said Leigh

"Come on" said Jesy

"Go away" said Leigh

"You know you want to secretly tell us" I said.

"Leave me alone" said Leigh.

"Oh come on" we all begged.

"Oh my God he cheated on me" she yelled getting up and leaving the room.

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