Chapter 15 (goodnight heartbreak girl)

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We all made our way outside and I caught up with Perrie, Leigh Ann and Jesy. Leigh Ann told me that Calum apologised but she couldn't trust him so she'd just be a heartbreak girl.

Perrie told me that Zayn, Niall and Liam would all be playing in the game against Harry, Louis, Tom, Nathan, Max, Siva and Jay.

The schools split up and Syco collage went to one side of the bleachers and the students at Sony went to the other. The teams ran out and people began cheering. Each team started to some warm ups and Perrie had convinced me to go down the field with her to wish Zayn good luck when Leigh and Jesy went to grab food.

I saw James, Conor, Brad, Tristan, Becky and Cher sat together. James waved at me so I waved back. I liked James he wasn't like most guys, he was ok being himself, we'd been talking over the last few weeks and I was beginning to really like him.

We walked down the stairs and towards the pitch where the boys were getting warmed up. We started watching them trying to get Zayn's attention. I saw Liam and Niall talking to Max, Tom and Siva then suddenly Liam took a swing at Max. Siva and Tom were quick to come to their friends defence by attacking Liam, but Niall wouldn't let Liam go down with out back up. Suddenly Nathan and Jay appeared with Harry, Zayn and Louis who joined in the fight until the referee separated the fight. The boys were bruised and battered and Perrie was screaming and looked like she was about to break down in tears.

The boys had been told to cool off and Zayn had come over to Perrie and told us that they were talking shit about Louis again and Liam wouldn't take it anymore.

After about ten minutes of waiting and awkwardly standing there when Zerrie made out we headed back to our seats as the game began.

There was a lot of screaming, there was also some swearing, some whistles being blown and some red cards were given. I think we were winning but I'm not to sure about the rules of football.

I'm pretty sure Max said something to Liam because the next time Liam tackled Max it was with so much strength and speed I'm surprised he didn't break him. Liam was sent off and Max couldn't play for the rest of the game.

The game continued to play but I got board and told the girls I was going to the bathroom. I walked away from the pitch and back into the school. I started to think about everything like school, family and all the shit teenagers think about it. I made my way into the canteen to see Charlie, Joey, Jordi and Leo talking. Well Joey was telling them all something and they were listening.

I sighed and walked out of the canteen and towards the room we were staying in, I grabbed my phone from the room and headed back towards the game. The game was over and Sony were cheering so I presume they won. Liam, Niall, Zayn and the rest of the people on their team were cheering, screaming and running around the pitch. Liam looked so happy which probably had something to do with beating Max and his dick head friends.

Everybody was saying goodbye and were hugging. I said goodbye to Taylor, Ryland, Bella, Zendaya, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Demi, Ariana but I couldn't find Calum.

We headed back to our rooms. I saw Cher and Becky and walked over to talk to them after myself and Cher teased Becky a bit about Brad we told her we were happy for her.

Becky headed to her room and me and Cher started talking.

"I thought Brad liked you" I told her honestly.

She found this funny which caused me to laugh as well.

"Night" I said to her.

"Goodnight" she called over her shoulder as she walked towards her room.

I went back to my room and started thinking about what I was going to after collage.

I wanted to go to university and I probably would go but it's just most people say university is a battle ground.

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