Chapter 24- The Hunter's Second Attendance To The King

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Hinata and Kageyama walked hand and hand. Hinata broke the silence "What about Oikawa." Hinata asked in a nervous and low tone. Kageyama respond "I took care of it while your still on coma."

The silence made the walk from home a bit akward "About our relationship.. lets do it slowly..step by step.." Hinata added. Kageyama nodded in agreement.

They went to a stop "I'll go first." Hinata said. Kageyama replied "Sure, Lets meet up tommorow. Let's meet at the station" Kageyama let go of Hinata's hand. As Hinata walk away, He turned he's head to see Kageyama waving at him and then smile.

At Morning

Hinata woke up at the sound of Alarm. He got up, took a bath and dressed up. He left the house and went at the station.

When he arrived, he saw Kageyama's figure standing there. The moment Kageyama noticed Hinata's presence, he immediately turned his head and smiled at Hinata. Hinata returned Kageyama's smile with a wide grin.

They rode a train and arrived at a specific place "Ano, Kageyama, Just where are we going?" Hinata impatiently asked. "We'll go to the Mall first then we'll go to another place." Kageyama replied without batting an eye at Hinata. Hinata shut his mouth then pouted "Atleast tell me where it is." He mumbled. Kageyama halfheartedly laugh after hearing this.

They entered the mall. Hinata followed beside Kageyama, they entered a sports outlet. Hinata was dumbfounded seeing that their Second date would be playing sports but he didn't mind.

"What are we doing here Kageyama?" Hinata asked as they enter the place. Kageyama responded "We're gonna buy ofcourse." He went to a spot for volleyball materials. He picked up some supporters.

Seeing Kageyama's actions, Hinata replied "Don't you have one of those at home already?" Kageyama looked at Hinata seriously "Do you have one?"

Hinata hesitated "Err no?" Kageyama stared at Hinata for a few seconds "Thats why I'm buying these for you Dumbass."

Hinata almost vomitted blood "Its for me?" Kageyama sighed "Yes, why else would I buy another if I already have one?" Hinata give an 'Are you kidding me?' Look at Kageyama.

After being bored for some time, Hinata picked up a volley ball. He spin it and toss it. A group of girls seemed to notice Hinata and his actions. They started gossiping.

"Isn't that..?"

"Ohh, its the captain of [Y/S] team?"

"Waahh, he's so cute."

Kageyama approached Hinata "Have you found anything you want to buy?" Hinata looked at Kageyama and then tossed the ball "That ball reminds me of the ball we used on practice a year ago." Kageyama facepalmed "Almost every volley ball are the same Dumbass, How can you tell whether they are different or not from the one's we used?" Hinata shrugged.

"Wait isnt that Kageyama Tobio from Karasuno?"

"They knew each other?"

"This is big news! Didn't the captain of [Y/S] team tried to destroy Karasuno?"

Hinata looked at the girls then returned his gaze at Kageyama "Let's leave." Hinata said with dissatisfaction. "We'll pay first." They went to the counter and paid for the items. They left soon after that.

Hinata and Kageyama walked shoulder to shoulder "So where are we going now?" Hinata asked. "We'll leave the mall first." Hinata nodded in response.

[Time Skip]

They arrived at a court. Hinata looked around and smiled. "So this is the place huh?" He asked Kageyama. Kageyama nodded "We'll practice here. I wanna know if we can still use the quick." Hinata looked at Kageyama and shock yet it was soon replaced by a smile "Sure."

Kageyama and Hinata went to their spots. Kageyama spin the ball and toss it in the air, he jumped and hit the ball. Hinata prepared to receive. He received the ball perfectly this time. Kageyama spiked the ball yet Hinata received it just fine.

"Your receiving skills improved. I wonder if your still the same Hinata Shoyo as before." Kageyama let out a smirk. Hinata gave a teasing look "Ofcourse not" Kageyama left out a laugh before spiking the ball so hard "Yet your still the same Dumbass before, only your skills improved." Kageyama teased. Red veins popped out of Hinata's forehead. "Bakageyama." Hinata glared at him. Kageyama laughed even more. The ball dropped to the ground and Hinata picked the ball up. "Your no different." As Kageyama stopped laughing, Hinata throw the ball at Kageyama's face resulting an instant K.O.

Hinata snapped out of his madness and hurriedly went to Kageyama's direction "Oi Kageyama, don't die." He shook Kageyama's shoulder. Kageyama glared at him "That's the second time. I'm alive, okay?" He sit up. And Hit Hinata in the head causing a bump mark. Hinata could only grip the clothing in his thighs "Sorry okay?" Hinata forcefully apologize. Kageyama sighed then patted Hinata's head.

They continued practicing and soon realized the quick they used to practice had improved tenfold. Their relationship soon regained the closeness what it use to have.

Dear Readers,
Yo people, I'm trying to update and finish this story as quickly as I can since its already vacation. I'm also trying to finish a comic and the other story called "A Fangirl Instinct" ('^-^). Sorry for a delayed update, its been 7 days since vacation and my sleeping time is kinda abnormal since then. There are times that I sleep 5 or 6 in the morning (*-*). There are times that I also wake up 6 in the afternoon (=-=). And somehow, I feel restless (¤-¤). I also have some buisness to attend too and if I don't tend to it as soon as possible, my mom will literally scold me (^~^). So forgive your dear author here. Its been eventful for me so yeahh and not just that, my brother's reputation are curently in a dire situation since someone is trying to defame him and destroy him in front of the students and the whole school so yeaaah . I love you guys, thank you for supporting me \(^-^)/. Sorry if some parts of this are negative since your Author here is currently feeling negative after what happened to my Big Brother. If there is someone who knows a really popular figure at twitter, help me spread the words to stop this Cyber Bullying. Its not just for my sake, its also my Brother's sake since I can't help but worry seing him at his lowest. He looks as if he wants to cry but he cant. So that's all. Thank you for listening in my sentimental words. I just couldn't help it, I feel the need to tell you guys.

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