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Hey witches and wizards! Chapter two! Wonder what happened after that cliffhanger last chapter? Find out now!

This was bullshit. All I wanted was a simple apology. That's all. "Go to hell Jared." I spat out at him. Paul chuckled. "If he goes, I'm sure he'll see you sitting on the throne babe." he joked. I knew that, of course. However, I just couldn't see past it as anything but an assumed insult in my anger. "Shut up." I mumbled. "Calm down, princess, it's a joke." he smiled at me. I just huffed and walked outside, this was ridiculous. As I tried to calm down, Paul and the guys follwed me outside, because apparently this show of anger was more important than breakfast." "Why are you so angry babe? He was just trying to have a laugh." Paul explained as he started walking towards me. "He was rude, all he had to do was apologize instead of focusing on food for two seconds!" I yelled. Jared, of course, no longer heeding Sam's warning, opened his mouth. "Are you on your period or something?" he called out from the porch with a laugh. "Jared! Enough." Sam scolded him. I growled. Whoa, where did that come from? In an attempt to calm down, I turned to the side and punched a tree, yelling out in anger. "NICOLE! Calm down!" I heard Sam warn. "Baby, you need to calm down. Now." Paul stated as he walked towards me. "You're being ridiculous." he continued.

That was the icing on the cake. I turned towards him to yell at him when, suddenly, I fell forward onto four huge paws. I rose to my full height and growled at him. "Shit.." he whispered, raising him hands and starting to back away. Away from me. I knew it was so I wouldn't lash out, but the wolf was in control. I whipped my head towards him and growled. As I was about to pounce, Sam came running in front of Paul.  "Cole! Stop!" he yelled, voice full of authority. "You don't want to hurt him. You're just angry. You love him way to much to hurt him. So calm down." Sam spoke to me calmly, raising his hands in surrender. I shook my head, the anger fading, and looked behind him to Paul. I whined and sat down, looking at the ground. I can't believe I almost did that. "Paul, get her some clothes so she can change back." Sam said and Paul ran off.

Paul came back outside a few minutes later with some clothes I had left here when I share stayed with Emily, and the others went back inside, leaving me and Paul alone. "Baby, you've got to change back." he said as he stroked my fur. I relaxed and leaned into his touch as I turned back and put on the clothes he handed me. "I'm so sorry!" I cried. " I almost attacked you!" I sobbed. "It's okay." he said. "You couldn't help it." Sam said as he and the others came back  outside. "Welcome to the pack, Cole." Jared smiled. I looked over to my right shoulder and saw the pack tattoo. Charlie wouldn't care, he knew I was going and getting a couple tattoos these next couple days. I looked at Paul. " What do I look like?" I asked. He smiled. " You're my height with black and white fur." he said. I looked at him and suddenly saw our entire future. I'd just imprinted. " I imprinted on you." I said with a smile and he smiled and kissed me. We all went back inside and sat down to eat. " So I called Billy and told him you turned." Sam said. I just nodded we all ate, deciding to just lounge around the house today. I sat on the couch and cuddled with Paul, as he started to play with my hair, and looked at the clock. "Oh god!" I yelled as I just off the couch. "I'm late getting home to meet my dad with Bella!" I got up and ran outside to my truck and hopped in in waved as I drove off.

As I pulled up to the house I saw my dad, Bella, and Billy and Jacob Black in the driveway with the truck my dad had bought for Bella's 'homecoming' present. I parked the truck and got out. "Hey, sorry I'm late, I was... at the tattoo shop." I said. "Got your first one done then?" Dad asked. I just nodded. Billy and I made eye contact and nodded to each other. "Hey Cole." Bella said. I nodded at her. "Hey." I said. "Dad, I'm gonna go make dinner." I said and walked inside. As I walked into the house I heard Bella say," What's her problem?" which caused me to roll my eyes, as if she didn't know.  Of course, typical Bella. Always trying to remain the innocent victum, as if she didn't do anything wrong. I got out all the ingredients to make pizza and started to prepare supper. As the pizza finished, Dad and Bella came inside. " Foods ready, if you guys are hungry." I said. I made the plates and put them on the table. Dad and Bella came into the kitchen and sat down to eat. I finished eating very quickly and put my plate in the sink. "I'm gonna head up to bed, Dad." I said. "Night." he said and went back to eating. Bella rolled her eyes and scoffed. I bit my lip and tried to control the anger starting to bubble inside of me. "Got a problem, Isabella?" I snapped. "Yeah, I just got here and you aren't even trying to hang out with me!" she snapped. Dad sighed. "Bella, enough. Your sister is tired, she's had a long day and I'm sure she wants to lay down and sleep." Dad told her. I nodded. "Goodnight." I said and headed to my room (which in the attic, its the biggest bedroom in the house, its got a bathroom and everything). I changed into my sweatpants and one of Paul's hoodies that he gave me and grabbed my computer and started watching a movie on Netflix. I texted Paul goodnight as I started to fall asleep.


Well, that was chapter two! I hope you enjoyed it and liked it! Sorry this note is so short, I have lots of chapters for all of my stories I'm writing and stuff! Bye my witches and wizards!!!!

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