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Here's chapter 3 my witches and wizards.

*Cole's POV*

(*RING*) I groaned and shut off my alarm. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I got up and headed to my bathroom, hopping into the shower. As I exited my bathroom I could hear Bella walking downstairs, I guess I better hurry so I can make breakfast for them then head to Emily's. I put on my outfit and headed downstairs to the kitchen. When I got into the kitchen, I saw Bella cooking breakfast. I cleared my throat. "Um, what do you think you're doing?" I asked loudly. She whipped around, nearly dropping the spatula she had in her hand and she paled. "M-making breakfast." she stammered. I glared at her. "Listen, Isabella. I do the cooking around here. Unless it's just you and dad, because I'm out or late getting home, you are not to cook. That is my job." I snapped and walked out. Bella's truck was gone, so Dad must have taken it somewhere. I got into my truck and left to Emily's, I had to get there before I phased in the truck. As I pulled up to Em's, the guys came out to greet me. " Hey baby!" Paul said as he kissed me. I smiled at him. "Hey babe!" I said. "You have patrol in a hour until around noon Cole." Sam told me, I nodded. I headed inside to help Emily cook. "So, how is having your sister home going?" Emily asked me. I rolled my eyes. "Awful. She thinks she can take over as the most important person in Charlie's life now that she's here. AND she's acting as if what she did never happened. It's fucking stupid." I snapped, as I whisked the eggs together. She nodded. We finished cooking a few minutes later, and I fixed my plate and ate before the boys came in. "Hey, I've got a couple errands to run after patrol, you can come with me if you want." I said looking at Paul. "What do you have to do?" he asked. I smirked. "I'm going to go get my nails done, then I'm going to get my tattoo." I said. He nodded. "Yeah I'll go, wouldn't want you to get bored" he laughed. I nodded and went outside. I stripped off my clothes and put them in a bush and phased, running off to start patrol.

A few hours later, I got back to the house and phased back and got dressed. I headed inside and the guys asked how it went. "Some new vamps in town. Never came across them. It seems like they are hunting on THEIR side of town." I said and they nodded. "Well, I'm heading off, you coming babe?'" I asked and Paul nodded and followed me to my truck and we headed off.

I shook my head as I drove. " I am never taking you with me to get my nails done again." I told him, he shrugged. "What? We were there for over an hour, I was bored." he whined. I shook my head. "So you start pouting and whining about when I'm gonna be done because you're hungry?" I asked him. He nodded. "What am I gonna do with you?" I sighed. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "You know you love me" he said as he smirked. "At least you didn't whine when we were at the tattoo shop." I mumbled. We stopped and picked up some fast food and headed back to Sam's and hung out for a bit. "Well, I'm gonna head home, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said. I looked Paul and he followed me outside. I turned and kissed him goodbye. " Leave your window open tonight, I'm gonna come over after my patrol." He said. "I will, I love you." I said and got in the truck and headed home.

When I got there, I smelled this sickly sweet smell, like bleach. NO! There was no way there was a vampire by my house. I ran inside. As soon as I got inside, I realized it was just Bella, she must have been close to one of the Cullens at school, so she must have picked up the scent. I scrunched my nose and walked into the kitchen where she was, trying not to gag. "How was school? Meet anyone weird?" I asked her, faking nice. She nodded. "Yeah I did. Um..who are the Cullens?" she asked. I knew it. I looked at her and sighed. "They moved here a while ago. I don't like them too much. Look, I'm not saying this because I care or anything, but stay away from them. For your own good." I said, turning and leaving the kitchen and I heading upstairs and saw Paul was laying on my bed, wearing the hoodie he had given me. " Good, the smell of your cologne was almost gone, I needed to get it back" I laughed. He smiled. "You could have just asked." he said. I shrugged. "Where's the fun in that?" I smiled and picked up my sleep shorts and a tank top and went into my bathroom to change. When I came back out, Paul had put a movie on on Netflix and was waiting for me. I climbed into my bed and cuddled with him. We talked for a while until I fell asleep.


There was chapter three my witches and wizards!!!! Hope you liked it! Chapter four coming soon!! Byeee my witches and wizards!!

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