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So i have decided to skip the rest of the first movie, because well, i can. Plus the wolves only get super involved in the second movie and on, so yeah.
*Cole's POV*
So it's been about a year since my sister moved back to Forks, and boy, has she caused all kinds of trouble. She ran off to Phoenix and then landed in the hospital. 'But she lived, so points for her.' I thought to myself as I rolled out of bed. I had decided after Bella ran away that I'd stay with my dad longer, because I wouldn't put the pain of me leaving on top of the pain that Bella caused. But know that she's back, and dating one of those Cullens, I'm going to bring it up to dad. I shook my head, and got up and got dressed.

It's our birtday today, one of the only two reasons me and her are even considered twins, our birthday, and our eyes. Charlies' dark chocolate browns.
There was a knock at the door. "Come in." I said as I tied my shoes. "Hey honey." Dad says with a huge smile on his face as he walks in. "Hey Dad." I smiled. "So um.. happy birthday." he says, handing me a box. I opened it. "Aww dad! It's that new phone i wanted!" I smiled, hugging him. "Hey, Renee chipped in a little." he told me. I nodded. "I'll call and thank her later." I say, hugging him again. "Good, now you finish getting ready for school." he says, I roll my eyes. "Dad come on, you know I jumped senior year. I'm out now." I told him. He nodded. "Right, well go have fun then. Ohm and we will be eating at the diner tonight, so don't worry about cooking." he said, leaving the room. I opened the new phone, and pulled out my old one, putting everything onto the new one and putting the old one in a drawer, and leaving my room. I ran into Bella. "Sorry!" she said. I shrug. "Here. Happy birthday." I say, handing her a small box, walking away. I got her a bracelet, no big deal. "Cole! Wait!" she called out, I just ignored her. I had more important things to do than listen to her stumble over her words. Besides, I probably have patrol, and well, I didn't wanna miss my birthday breakfast at Sam and Emily's. I jumped into my truck and sped off that way.

When I got there, the guys were all crowded around Paul, who was holding a large box. "Hey guys!" I smiled as I got out. Paul looked panicked, gently passing the box to Jared, who went inside, followed by the other guys. "Babe, happy birthday!" he said, smiling as he walked over. "Thanks baby! What's going on?" I asled him. "Oh, nothing." he lied. "Let's go inside, Em has gone crazy for this birthday breakfast." he says, dragging me inside."Happy birthday Cole!" everyone shouted. "Aww thanks guys but you didn't have to.." I smiled. "You're family, of course we did." Sam told me, Emily nodded. "No you really didn't have to, I don't deserve this." I said, tearing up. Emily came up and hugged me. "Don't you say that again Nicole Swan! You deserve ten times more than this. So sit down and enjoy your birthday breakfast." she commanded as she pushed me into a chair. "Yes ma'am." I mumbled. The guys sang me a horrible and out of tune happy birthday, and we all sat and ate the breakfast Emily had made me. "So!" Sam said with a smile. "Presents?" he looked at Paul. I shrugged. Jared jumped up. "I'll go first!" he yelled, as he thrust a small box into my hands. "Jared, you know you guys don't need to get me presents..." I trailed off, as I opened the box to reveal a picure of me, him, Sam, and Paul. We had taken it the day I found out Paul had imprinted on me, on the day I was welcomed in the pack and this family. "Aww Jared!" I kissed his cheek. "Thank you. It's perfect." I told him. Sam and Emily handed me a gift card to my favorite resturant in town. "Thanks you guys." I smiled. Paul looked at me. "Okay, baby. I got you a really special surprise, so can you close your eyes? While I go and get it?" he asked me with a mischevious smile. I looked at him wearily, but I nodded and closed them. I heard him walk off and the come back. "Okay, now you can open them." he told me, and I slowly opened my eyes. In his arms was the most beautiful puppy I had ever seen.

"Oh, Paul! He's so gorgeous!" I squealed, as I jumped up and grabbed the puppy

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"Oh, Paul! He's so gorgeous!" I squealed, as I jumped up and grabbed the puppy. "Ohh I love him!" I smiled and kissed Paul softly. "I'm glad you like him, because he's ours." he told me. "How did I get so lucky?" I asked Emily, who was pouting. "That's what I'm wondering. Who are you and what have you done with Paul?" she joked, pointing at him. He shrugged. "I guess she just brings it out of me." he told her. "Well I love my puppy. And I love you too, you big teddy bear." I said, while smiling at Paul. "What's his name?" Sam asked me, and I looked at the dog. "His name is Duke." I cooed, stroking his soft fur. "This is the best birthday ever!" I squealed. Emily took the puppy from me. "Why don't you buy me pets for my birthdays?" she pouted, looking at Sam. He glared at Paul. "See what you've started Paul? Now she wants a puppy." he scowled, but we all knew he was joking with him. We all laughed.

A few hours later, or what must have been more, we were all just lounging round and just having a few laughs when my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "You're sister is missing." Dad's voice sounded from the phone. It was silent. Until...

Hey my witches and wizards! I hope you guys loved this chapter! And the next one is coming up right behind it as soon as i get it finished and edited. I love you all! Byeeee

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